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    Presser, sent you a PM a few months ago asking you about that very thing. I'm in the same situation with my wife right now. What was your dosage/duration with HCG and what else did you take during fertility treatments? Looking forward to some feedback and direction. Thanks!
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    Arthritis Drug Grows Full Head of Hair for a Bald Man! Oh Yeah!!!

    Same here!! If you find any more info, please post it.
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    ECA stack help....

    Ah dammit, I have been taking the baby aspirin all along simply because of the dosage per tablet. Gotta stop off at Walgreens today and get the big boy stuff.
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    OK - calling on the collective mind of MC members - *really* poor response to gear

    I never got anything from Anadrol myself either. I switched to D-bol and KABOOM! Blew up 40lbs in 4 weeks and put 100lbs on my max bench press....of course that was when I was 25 and only my 2nd cycle ever.....and I was eating like a horse too. (oh those were the days). That said, I recently...
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    Best designer steroids that have not been banned as of 2/01/13

    I clicked on the hardcore powders link and the store is closed. Maybe I missed the thread somewhere that said they were out of business or moved etc? looks like i will be buying from again
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    IGF Max Dosage

    Thanks for the feedback. I'm not getting any major pumps from this stuff BUT it's really melting off the BF. Getting good definition in abs and obliques are really coming in now, very pleased with the results. I might try bumping up dosage just a tad in the next week or so to see if there is any...
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    IGF Max Dosage

    Anyone hit the ceiling with regards to dosage of this stuff? Curious what the cutoff point is for maximizing results with this compound. For me personally, anything more than 1g/wk of Test usually ends up in the toilet, it's like my body can't process more than additional gains so to...
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    Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate) "Anabolic Steroid"

    So after reading this thread, I decided to jump in and add 1,000mg/week of EQ to my current regime. Just finished week set duration in mind, just gonna monitor my results and let that dictate things a bit. Anyone else on here taken the plunge with EQ after reading this post? Curious if...
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    Clear Sky

    Thanks for the positive feedback guys, I placed an order with them.
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    Clear Sky

    Anyone familiar with them, any feedback?
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    finaplix pellet conversion recipe

    Can anyone post or copy the recipe for pellet conversion (or PM me)? I tried a "search" but got a bit overwhelmed with the results so I thought I would see if someone could just copy it here. I've got a few cartridges of finaplix pellets I bought a couple of years ago and normally bought a...
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    More on t3

    I use T3/Tren/Clen to cut with AMAZING results. In fact, last summer I used very little clen (nasty headaches and shakey feeling...may have had something to do with trying a new brand of clen??). I ran the clen for about 2 weeks but then went to the T3/Tren combo and was shredded in no time...
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    Do you or have you ever smoked?

    I have never even tried it...YUCK!! Same here with's disgusting and I wouldn't touch a girl that smoked with a 10ft pole!! P.S. Nice name Superman1975 :)
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    What does everyone currently weigh??

    I usually hover around the 250-260 mark during the winter and trim down for the summer to the 225-235lbs mark. As of yesterday, I was 248lbs (6ft tall by the way) but I can drop 5lbs with a visit to the can if you know what I mean!! ;)
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    Shipping times.... is great too...i've used all the above with no problems. I normally get mine in 3-5 days.
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    Mtv- My Super Sweet 16......?

    I second that one, if it's not on ESPN, it ain't worth watching. I will admit that I occassionally watch Law and Order and The Soprano's but aside from that, my TV stays on ESPN. And reality shows...not a fan of those either...I watch TV to escape reality...not watch other peoples' screwed up...
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    Mtv- My Super Sweet 16......?

    Funny you guys were talking about that show, my girl and I were watching it the other night and I got so pissed at how spoiled these kids were that I decided to delete MTV from my channel menu. That may sound kinda silly but I am just sick of seeing how rotten the youth of this country is...