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  1. Massive-E

    Do you think Jay will retire

    But we all know to these guys its not just about how much money is in the bank and how many trophys are on the shelf. Its about being the best, and proving that. I think he'll give it another go .. but that lust for being #1 ... he'll never lose that
  2. Massive-E

    Kevin English looking a little off...

    Totally ... out of the door of the car whilst driving lol
  3. Massive-E

    Anyone made metered Tren nasal spray?

    No frikkin way man ... honestly is this possible. Holy crap if it is i wanna try it :)
  4. Massive-E

    Hot or not??

    nice ...
  5. Massive-E

    Jamie Eason Bike Ride

    I would do dirty things to that woman given half the chance!
  6. Massive-E

    New to peptides... need some help

    Please see above for my thoughts
  7. Massive-E

    Got me a new blend

    Running similar here actually 1ml of a blend called precomp (Tren A, Test P, Mast P) @ 100mg ea 1ml of a blend called TTM (Tren E, Test C, Mast E) @100mg ea 1ml of a Sust blend with 5 different esters 1ml of Tren Hex @ 50mg / ml Strength and density is off the hook! Benched 396lbs for 8 and...
  8. Massive-E

    Squats at the end of leg workout

    No not really, but i do squat 3 times a week at the beginning of a work out. Once on actual leg day, and then twice more in the week before like chest and back say. Really burns the fat and has been the key to kicking through a plateau.
  9. Massive-E

    Sustanon 250 injections

    Well i'd have to ask ... ... sust 250 i'm guessing is per 250/ml. How many ml are you doing at once? And how frequently are you administering the dosage? ... A point to make out here is whats the rush? I mean why the need for a stone of weight in 1.5 months. To be honest i really think...
  10. Massive-E

    Anyone familiar with GnRH (Triptorelin) for PCT??

    I speak from Experience, used it this time around coming off of a heavy +1 year run of cutting, bulking, contest, bulking, cutting, contest ... then BREAK!!!! as i cycled off i hit the floor and broke through it .. rebound was heavy. Coming out of cycle i was 245lbs and as the AAS dropped out...
  11. Massive-E

    Cycle for my next log on MC

    Thanks all for the comments, and i think you're correct big_n_wv 1.6 not 1.3. I think im just going to run it like it is to be honest, i might use Turinabol at the beginning as my kickstart and Anavar at the end, but i'll see what i can lay my hands on in the time available. All i need now...
  12. Massive-E

    Cycle for my next log on MC

    Hey guys, Well after months off recovery period im ready to come back on at the end of May with a fresh cycle. Im simply gonna post it up and see what you guys think. AAS Details PreComp 300 Blend - Masteron 100mg / Tren Ace 100mg / Test Prop 100mg Sust 400 Blend Anavar 50mg Tabs Peptide...
  13. Massive-E

    NukNuk 17 days out

    Looking fucking immense dude! absolutely awesome! Good luck Bro!
  14. Massive-E

    How long for receptors to recover ...

    Hi Guys, Thought i'd throw this one out for a big dicussion ... How long do you think it would take for your body and receptors to recover from extended AAS and Peptide usage? Let me give you some background first. I have been taking variying degrees of AAS and Peptides for about 6 years now...
  15. Massive-E


    Nice one, do you attribute any of the growth to the Myo inhibitors you were trying? Nice budgie smugglers underwear BTW :D
  16. Massive-E

    Who's your top pick as your all time hottie, pick one only

    Jamie Eason .. and Suzanna Spears are the main 2 in my opinion ... but if i had to choose ... Jamie all the way!
  17. Massive-E

    IFBB notice about tans.

    Jan Tana Ultra 1 all the way man! Never failed me yet.
  18. Massive-E

    Western U.

    I have to say i have always been asked this question, probably for the large amount of money going to some clearly unrelated person in a foreign country. Still dont think its ethical on the WU side though
  19. Massive-E

    Uncles HGH

    Ahh Metal ... that would be the place
  20. Massive-E

    Why GH and China don't mix...

    So hang on ... is it actually possible to buy real HGH anymore? lol