Search results

  1. Scout200

    What routine makes you feel amazing?

    Yuck! Working out in a gym w/o AC?!?! I bet that smells pretty! lol
  2. Scout200

    What routine makes you feel amazing?

    Nicely said!! I'd have to say HIT... Even though it makes me want to puke the results make me feel great.
  3. Scout200

    What routine makes you feel amazing?

    Several people have a workout routine that makes them feel amazing.... What's yours? "I always feel best after my ______ workout."
  4. Scout200

    Biggest pet peeve at the gym?

    Here's another one.. I saw this the other day: watching people drive around the gym parking lot just to find a closer parking space... I just don't get it!!
  5. Scout200

    Biggest pet peeve at the gym?

    I absolutely agree!! I'll also add: -People who camp out on a piece of equipment just to chat. -Horrid top forty music - that you hear over and over and over and over again lol -People who talk non stop on their phones
  6. Scout200

    Biggest pet peeve at the gym?

    What's your biggest pet peeve? What annoys you most when working out at the gym?
  7. Scout200

    Your best workout advice...

    I'll add that patience and consistency are key to success...
  8. Scout200

    Your best workout advice...

    Great advice! That's awesome that it only took 4 weeks for you to recover!
  9. Scout200

    Your best workout advice...

    Everyone needs advice once in a while, as some advice is worth remembering. If you were to give one piece of workout advice, what would it be?
  10. Scout200

    How do you reward yourself?

    Wow, that's truly awesome! Congratulations man!!!
  11. Scout200

    How do you reward yourself?

    Very true... Nicely said!
  12. Scout200

    How do you reward yourself?

    How do you reward yourself when you reach a certain fitness goal? What do you do for yourself to get that "motivational boost"?
  13. Scout200

    Seasons are changing... has your workout?

    Nice, you're quite fortunate! I'm in South Dakota and it's finally getting warmer outside... I can't wait for the ground to dry up so I can do more activities outside with my kiddos.
  14. Scout200

    Seasons are changing... has your workout?

    Now that Spring has sprung, I find that I'm spending more time outside and plan to get my entire family involved with running/jogging once it gets warmer. How has your workout routine changed?
  15. Scout200

    Just how bad is diet soda?

    Very true! Nice perspective!
  16. Scout200

    Just how bad is diet soda?

    I was just wondering how bad diet soda is (in moderation) compared to regular soda? With regular soda, you're consuming empty calories... but there are several studies surrounding diet soda and how bad it is for you...What are your thoughts?
  17. Scout200

    What influenced you?

    Wow, that's really awesome!
  18. Scout200

    What influenced you?

    Several people have a story as to what influenced them to change their lifestyle to becoming a bodybuilder or just overall, healthy. What was your inspiration to change your lifestyle to what it is today?