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    Mike Johnson IFBB canadian pro bodybuilder

    I really like mike johnson he seems really cool from the vids i have seen of him. Rite now him and Antoine Vaillant are doing a tour in Canada. Check out there vids on youtube.
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    I used to use straps all the time and now i cut back. My grip has improved so much now i only use them when my forearm is hurting.
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    Orals empty or full stomach

    Thanks for the advice guys i will experiment on an empty stomach and see how it goes.
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    Orals empty or full stomach

    Okay Im confused on this i was reading on a thread about m1t and someone said take on empty stomach and someone said take on full stomach. Im just talking about in general should you take orals on an empty or full stomach? Or does it depend on what oral your taking? thanks
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    Opinions on Deca

    My side effects were sore nipples i started to get some lumps but i think i was bc i was taking tren with it. Then zeus got me straightened out and got me on some anti p and it helped. I also started to get deca dick but i up my test and that fixed it.
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    Opinions on Deca

    I liked it the first cycle i ran it in had great gains little side effects. Then i ran it again in my second cycle had okay gains just had alot of side effects going to try eq next and see how that goes.
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    Cooling Glove v. Steroids

    idk what happend at the end of my post lol
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    Cooling Glove v. Steroids

    So what exactly does it do reduce muscle fatigue so you could do more sets and reps? <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
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    Ever thought you were strong?

    This guy is a freak but listen to the music in the push press vid how could you lift to that lol
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    My log for the ironman

    Good luck man cant wait to see how u look in contest shape.
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    how long to take off between cycles

    Alrite thanks guys ill try to take 16 weeks off. Its going to be tempting not to start b4 16 weeks but ill give it a try.
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    how long to take off between cycles

    im going to stay clean between cycles. im going to run prop 400, cyp 600, eq 600 and dbol a week for first 8 weeks then cyp 1000, eq 600 tren 100 eod for the last 8 weeks. thats what im kinda thinking
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    how long to take off between cycles

    I just finished up my cycle i was running 1000 cyp 600 deca a week and 100 tren eod for 16 weeks. How long do you guys think i should take off b4 i start my next cycle.
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    Antoine 19 days out

    yea hes massive and he just turned 25. Check out his videos on youtube he puts up alot of training videos up.
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    Getting new equiptment, FINALY!!!!

    Do u know when they r going to get the new equipment
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    Traveling with IGF

    If ur traveling by car would an ice pack be okay till u get it in a fridge?
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    Favorite piece of gym equipment

    Dead lift platform I love deadlifts.
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    Your Summer cycle?

    tren for me too its going to be my first time cant wait.
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    I hate acne

    I came off my cycle a couple weeks ago and im broken out like crazy too. is there anything you can do for it?
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    Do you HAVE to wear a certain type of shoe??

    I wore shox too but I hated lifting in them. Then bought a pair of Nike free and they have a short solid sole and there really comfortable.