Search results

  1. eswol

    ----NEW----Free SARM Of Choice With IGF-1 Lr3 Orders & NEW BULK PRICES------NEW----

    Presser check you PM I hit you up for another order this morning. 3 months out and needed for my prep. Mc igf is amazing when you lay off of it for 6 month and jump back on at 200 mugs preworkout....CAAH BOOM
  2. eswol

    10 weeks out from NPC Garden State/ 11 weeks out Team U

    Looking good classic keep up the great work
  3. eswol

    MC IGF-1 Is No Joke.

    Thanks things aren't perfect but getting better just glad I am back in the gym and using my igf
  4. eswol

    MC IGF-1 Is No Joke.

    Back on MC igf after a six month lay off due to some personal issues I had to face and couldn't be happier to be back on and in the gym again. MC igf is fucking awesome and my body is eating it.up since day one. Pumps are great and the fullness and shape is coming back fast. Best supplement you...
  5. eswol

    Glad to be here

    welcome aboard, you're at the best bbuilding site you can find........
  6. eswol

    Looking for eswole

    Hey everyone!! I am alive and really appreciate you guys asking about me.....quick run down.....past 6 months has kicked my ass....I lost my Father before Xmas and then for XMas my wife served me divorce papers and restraining order on me to even go back to my house so I had Xmas alone and...
  7. eswol

    Hello Muscle Chem from your newest PSL rep!

    Good to have you, welcome aboard
  8. eswol

    Adult film stars prep with cyp and clomid

    Peter North protocal used to be HCG and clomid , he trains at the gym I used to work at and that awhat he told me works best for him and that dude shoots buckets.......
  9. eswol

    Halotestin - strong but worth it.

    Yo BigZ what did your doc prescibed halo for?
  10. eswol

    Made My First order!

    That's what is so great about MC, everyone is willing to help and answer any questions you may gave especially for a newbie both on this board and for your very first cycle... Keep us posted on the process and progress brutha... good luck to you duration ng this journey.....maie sure your food...
  11. eswol

    Need advice and help on current problem?

    Iwold hire 3J or your diet he will get you the right track that will produce real results.....hit him cat
  12. eswol

    Pct-shop offering sales and major discounts to members who thread or post

    PCT is my order answer couldn't be any happier...communication was spot on and prices are great. I got the prop, tren and mastron for my pre contest gear run and hitting all three everyday for two weeks...will post a log on the results of hitting that much gear everyday.....thanks...
  13. eswol

    Member Introduction

    Ditto......welcome back brutha
  14. eswol

    Pct-shop offering sales and major discounts to members who thread or post

    PCT shop is awesome just received my package and jumped right on their gear and orals....communication was great and their reps are super easy to work with, you can't go wrong with their quality gear and kick ass prices and deals they're runnning.....jump on it guys Thanks PCT
  15. eswol

    L-Carnitine Injections, fat loss, and bodybuilding.

    Can you inject it in your trouble ares or that doesn't work like that?
  16. eswol

    Anyone else being ignored by dynasty labs

    I was told by them that they're temporarily closed at this time......was told that yesterday......
  17. eswol

    Shout out to MC and PRESSER

    Presser is the man and MC is the shit compared to other boards out MC products and services are top notch....been ordering for years now and blown away everything I place an order..... love me some MC igf Keep up the great and dedicated work brutha,
  18. eswol

    Guys who say they fuck for over an hour are

    Dapoxitine for sure..........but why go through all that to not bust a nut......
  19. eswol

    Building the Perfect Beast.

    Great book, basically its all about Tony freeman and how he did it.......Xman is one of my favorite bodybuilders,,,, x frame is awesome......