Search results

  1. Endomorph

    INJECTABLE RECIPES And experimental high dose recipes.

    Looking for a Mast E 300mg recipe, who can help?
  2. Endomorph

    Combating Tren and Lethargy

    Erabus, I am 48 I blast for 16-18 weeks with Test Iso 600 mg/week, Tren E 400mg/week, Deca 250mg/week and week 1-4 D/bol 30mg/day. Then I cruise with Test E 500mg/week for 25 weeks and then go back to my blast schedule, never had a problem. been doing it for a while.
  3. Endomorph

    Sponsor feed back and logs

    We need a section, for posting our sponsor logs and feed back on sponsor products.
  4. Endomorph

    Combating Tren and Lethargy

    I do not have that problem with 600 mg Test Iso and 400mg Tren E @ week. - - - Updated - - - For what reason do you have to wait a year, before you can go back on Tren E?
  5. Endomorph

    Big Ramy at 339 Pounds. Photo

    Who said Ramy is growing just from GH and Juice, ever heard of Gene Mutation? Remember he has very powerful and wealthy guys in his corner in Kuwait. He might be getting stuff done that we have not heard off. By the way, I am 5"7' and 288lbs and still wanna grow bigger too.
  6. Endomorph

    Steroid cycles over 40

    D/Bol 30mg @ day week 1-4 Test Iso 600 mg @ week 1-16 Deca 150-200 mg @ week 1-16 Tren E 400 mg @ week 1-16 then back onto cruise Test E 500mg @ week for 16 weeks and then cycle again. I will run Letro when needed @ 3days 1ml/day and the 0.5ml...
  7. Endomorph

    Steroid cycles over 40

    I am 48, running D/Bol, Test Iso, Deca, Tren E in cycle and then cruise with Test E.
  8. Endomorph

    Recipe for Testosterone-Isocaproate

    How about a formula to get it worked out, not that good with the match.
  9. Endomorph

    Androgenics vs. Anabolics

    I have send you a pm.
  10. Endomorph

    Recipe for Testosterone-Isocaproate

    Does any one have a recipe for test iso?
  11. Endomorph

    Nova Labs

    Presser no it was not. Ya I will just stick with board sponsors.
  12. Endomorph

    Nova Labs

    Yes cutting is a bitch for us endomorphs.
  13. Endomorph

    Nova Labs

    Not sure, they contacted me and offered me some stuff at good price. Do not know if they are new or what, that is why I asked.
  14. Endomorph

    Nova Labs

    Has anyone heard of Nova Labs, or used it, wanna know if they are legit?
  15. Endomorph

    Thank you Muscle-Depot

    Got my free samples today, packing was good, can not wait to try them out and see how it goes, will definitely order from them again.
  16. Endomorph

    8 week out from first tournament - argentina

    Thanks guys, 3 week out for the show. , Then I have others later. ire them and commenting. today I get 200gr load hydrates with nice rice! jaj a question ... cambiare boldenone the aqueous stanozolol. do you think your experiences that would be? or just keep with boldenone? trenbolone could get...
  17. Endomorph

    Absolute best legal fat loss stack possible

    Black Diamonds and the Keto diet will do the trick for you.
  18. Endomorph

    What does everyone currently weigh??

    5'5', 15%bf @ 285lbs Dropping bf now, just started a cutting cycle with Keto diet. Clen & t3