Steroid cycles over 40


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Hey fellas, I was just wondering how your cycles have changed as you've aged?? More compounds or less?? Dosage difference, etc...

Just wanted to se what the other older guys like myself are running? And a comparison of cycles from the past...

My first cycle was Test Suspension about 20 years ago. Since then, I've ran most compounds. Some I liked some I hated.

Currently running 500mg/wk Test E, 600mg/wk Mast E and 200mcg/day MC IGF....

I've always run test e/cyp or sustanon. Never ran masteron since it's usually used before contests when you're already at low bf %. My later cycles as I've aged have mostly been 500-700mg test, 200mcg/day MC IGF, sometimes combined with 150mg/week tren ace. I've found that as I've aged, the tren does a lot more for me, especially in controlling bf.
Hey fellas, I was just wondering how your cycles have changed as you've aged?? More compounds or less?? Dosage difference, etc...

Just wanted to se what the other older guys like myself are running? And a comparison of cycles from the past...

My first cycle was Test Suspension about 20 years ago. Since then, I've ran most compounds. Some I liked some I hated.

Currently running 500mg/wk Test E, 600mg/wk Mast E and 200mcg/day MC IGF....


Wow buddy! You really steped up that igf over the last month. haha. I just started a break from it yesterday after 50 days of use. I will step it up on the next run too. Probably not that high. My wallet would be too thin!
I've always run test e/cyp or sustanon. Never ran masteron since it's usually used before contests when you're already at low bf %. My later cycles as I've aged have mostly been 500-700mg test, 200mcg/day MC IGF, sometimes combined with 150mg/week tren ace. I've found that as I've aged, the tren does a lot more for me, especially in controlling bf.

Although most run Masteron pre-contest, I've found it very useful staying lean, lowering bf,etc. Even if your not at a low bf %, Masteron works quite well. Hardens everything up and increases strength and vascularity. This combination has got to be one of my favorites!!
Wow buddy! You really steped up that igf over the last month. haha. I just started a break from it yesterday after 50 days of use. I will step it up on the next run too. Probably not that high. My wallet would be too thin!

I'm loving the 200mcg a day!! Seems to work well and feels awesome!! I took 2 weeks off and right back on a week after I started the Masteron E. Loving the synergy and leaning out great
Don't want to change topic. Just wanted to say this info is great info for me! I'm 51 and have run PH and test cyp only, to this point. I recently started MC's IGF (which is great). I am looking to start a cycle in April and will start a thread for advice. So, I appreciate you all sharing your knowledge!
Don't want to change topic. Just wanted to say this info is great info for me! I'm 51 and have run PH and test cyp only, to this point. I recently started MC's IGF (which is great). I am looking to start a cycle in April and will start a thread for advice. So, I appreciate you all sharing your knowledge!

Welcome to MC brother....Depending on your specific goals, we as a whole community will be glad to critic, advise and simply cheer you on when you post up your proposed cycle man. We all run different stuff and have differing opinions, but we are not "know-it-alls". That's why I love it here....

MC, Home Sweet Home!!! Glad to have ya
I'm loving the 200mcg a day!! Seems to work well and feels awesome!! I took 2 weeks off and right back on a week after I started the Masteron E. Loving the synergy and leaning out great

lol igf got you buy the balls Austin haha. Told you, I knew you'd be hooked once you crossed that 100mcg mark. Pritty soon your gonna be running 1mg per day
lol igf got you buy the balls Austin haha. Told you, I knew you'd be hooked once you crossed that 100mcg mark. Pritty soon your gonna be running 1mg per day

Gonna work my way right up there Brother Man!! I did 400 one day and was hooked. Just cant afford it at the moment. Spent my extra on Mast E and Mast Prop.....Hee Hee Hee ;)
Not much cash left for much at all after masteron holy shitballs. That stuff is probably the most expensive gear I've seen. Been interested in checking out Mast but my body fat % is not low enough from what I've been reading to really see the effects.
You'll see and feel the effects from it at any body fat % below 16. I say that from personal experience. It brought me from 16% to 13%. I'm hoping to utilize it with the IGF to at least get to 10% or lower. Masteron is worth every penny. Gonna run it with my TRT when I cruise from now on at 200/wk
It will shread you down. Masterone is one of the best anabolics to take. 700 mgs a week you won't be disopointed, you'll see those numbers drop fast. It will put you in single digits
lol igf got you buy the balls Austin haha. Told you, I knew you'd be hooked once you crossed that 100mcg mark. Pritty soon your gonna be running 1mg per day

Those who know me know I used two vials of IGF in one day years back. Considering the results, I wish I could have been able to keep doing that for a month. I applied 300mcg to three different spots on each quad. Yes, that's 1800mcg. I didn't have much in the way of visible quad muscles before, but after the application the next day, the muscles had literally grown to the point that you could see them, I kid you not. To this day, I haven't lost the definition it gave me.
Those who know me know I used two vials of IGF in one day years back. Considering the results, I wish I could have been able to keep doing that for a month. I applied 300mcg to three different spots on each quad. Yes, that's 1800mcg. I didn't have much in the way of visible quad muscles before, but after the application the next day, the muscles had literally grown to the point that you could see them, I kid you not. To this day, I haven't lost the definition it gave me.

I'm not a big fan of spot injections-if that were the case my ass would be huge!!!

HOWEVER, it really does work with IGF, my quads were lagging for a long time and doing spot injections really upped them
I'm not a big fan of spot injections-if that were the case my ass would be huge!!!

HOWEVER, it really does work with IGF, my quads were lagging for a long time and doing spot injections really upped them

I'm feeling like I need to apply IGF to different spots on my quads. Where are the areas of the quads to apply? I've only applied to mid outer quad and that area has grown well....;)

My biceps are taking really well to the IGF!!!
thats a nice cycle brutha! what do you cruise at weekly with the test e? like 200mg a week or less?

D/Bol 30mg @ day week 1-4
Test Iso 600 mg @ week 1-16
Deca 150-200 mg @ week 1-16
Tren E 400 mg @ week 1-16

then back onto cruise Test E 500mg @ week for 16 weeks and then cycle again.

I will run Letro when needed @ 3days 1ml/day and the 0.5ml eod. if needed.
I am waaaay over 40. I currently run Test Cyp and EQ. at 500mg/wk each. I highly recommend using a good liver supp throughout a cycle for anyone over 40.