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  1. U

    Heating after capping for additional sterilization

    If you heat them once the tops are on them all of the tops will literally blow off and likely the bottles will tip over. Heating it again isn't going to sterilize it. Use 91 to 99% isopropyl alcohol and soak the bottles in them. Let them dry most of the way and have them already set up on a...
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    Bulking on npp but thinking of changing to recomp or cut

    Ten suppress appetite in ht climates but with the Npp just adjust your cals. With the heat you are going to be swearing and burning a lot of cals so you will still need a good amount but I would keep your doses where they are and just lower your cal I take 200 cals a week until you are...
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    problem with mixing ps80 and Distilled water

    Yes I can let me find mine. Its been a little while since I've made it. But I think it 13.5 ml distilled water, ba. Then raw plus Peg 300 I need to find the amount. BB .6ml ps80 and very high heat. You will need a thermometer like a nice electric one and take the win up to melting point. Its...
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    problem with mixing ps80 and Distilled water

    First off you don't put ps80 into the water it goes into the suspension so, bb ps80 and raw go into a breaker or bottle. Then you filter your distilled water and ba with a .22 filter into a sterile vial, you heat the raw bb and ps80 but ps80 is not for winny is for test suspension. Peg 300 is...
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    Help with Benzyl Benzoate

    I'm sorry but this makes no sense to me are you asking about cattle or gear fist off and if you need more bb buy more bb you can get a gallon on Amazon or many other online stores for practically nothing. Use the amount you need. I'm not trying to be rude but your post makes no sense to me. So...
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    Miglyol is a great addition to making gear. Just to make it super thing or to make higher doses it seems to do the job. Thin is always wonderful. Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
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    Control Estrogen Don't Eliminate It!

    Good info Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
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    New FIXED Prices On All SARM SCIENCES! BUY LGD, S4 & Osta-MK for $55 Each!

    Excellent deal and you probably can't find a place to beat this deal and on top of it these products are excellent. I know once I reach a certain age I'm only going to run my trt dose of test and hopefully 2 iu of pharmacy th daily but I will also add in ligandrol and ostarine. When ostarine was...
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    Anyone Have a NPP Recipe for Dummies??

    GSO is great. I preferer coconut for everything but tren, safflower has a high heat rating and is a thin oil as well. When selecting an oil make sure if u are making a short ester it has a high heat rating because short esters require higher heat. The solvents will have them in liquid state much...
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    Tren A 200mg/ml cut with EO turns cloudy

    EO is used to replace the oil not the ba or bb. You still use the same amounts of ba and bb but you use so in place of oil and if just for personal use if your not allergic you technically can use 100%, it doesn't bother me but its toxic. Most people can handle 20% EO and 80% oil. I would skip...
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    Tren A 200mg/ml cut with EO turns cloudy

    Yea tren really isn't made to go over 125 to 150 but EO, coconut oil and mct's will all make it come out cloudy. If you want to make tren a at a higher dose you will have better luck making it with a long ester hormone like TE but then you are still getting into painful ranges. If you went 150...
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    Anyone Have a NPP Recipe for Dummies??

    Same principal as tren, the heat needed to fully put the Npp into solution, meaning reaching its melting point before letting it cool to filter is a high temp and ba, starts to evaporate at a lower temp so I add the ba when I'm letting the solution cool. Most gear has a relatively low melting...
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    Sustanon cycle log 2017

    I run about 1200mg T and a gram of deca with an oral but I grew well. I don't care for susta on much I found for me the only way I felt good and grew was to run a gram or more 1 day a week. I tried ed, eod, etc. Energy was down and I had used it before but I loved 1g+ on just Monday and I'm...
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    Recipe I used for a high dosed pre-workout mix. (170mg/ml contains test base, sdrol, adrol + more)

    Not bad but a lot of Guaiacol and ba. I hate EO but that's a sweet stack. You could reduce the Guaiacol and drop a hormone or two and just make a separate blend. I hate Guaiacol and that FN bug spray smell it just comes out of your pours and there's no cooking with it in the house without a vent...
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    500mg/ml test enan or cyp semi-finished liquid?

    What's the point? Its going to be painful its to much hormone per ml. I understand wanting to inject less trust me at one time I was pinning 3ml twice a day every day. But I would make TE at 300 mg/ml and leave it at that. Cyp can be funny and be more difficult to get to hold at 300 mg or be...
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    Gears fully based on Ethyl Oleate , questions

    I use to get gear from a company that used 100% EO no oil at all for every hormone and it was really good but EO is a toxin and I wouldn't bother with it unless you absolutely need it but there are some other chemicals if you look into research journals etc from pharmaceutical companies...
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    where in the usa can i get something tested.

    They aren't going to test your gear samples unless you are a licensed pharmacist sending in samples from pharmaceutical companies. You are out of luck in the US and I personally don't know of any lab that will accept samples for testing without credentials. I'm sure there are some in certain...
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    Any one heard of test nasal spray?

    I have a recipe to make sublingual orals and nasal spray orals. I would have to dig around a phone or two maybe a computer or hard drive but I've made the sublingual orals and loved them. I never made the nasal spray but if you could get test base as a nasal spray you could get almost anything...
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    How to sterilize vials caps

    Eh I would wash with anti bacterial dish soap them rinse really well. Then I put them in, sorry I can't think of the name of the machine right now all's it is, is a jewelry cleaner that sends little impulse waves to get jewelry clean but I fill it with 91% isopropyl alcohol and run it a couple...
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    Oral Liquid Recipes

    I make all orals at any dose I want even 100mg/ml across the board with Humco Syrpalta only no heat needed nothing but measure add and shake. Love it. Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk