Bulking on npp but thinking of changing to recomp or cut


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Well I started an npp/test cycle 6 weeks ago and it was a bulk cycle but since it's gotten hot the past 2 weeks I just can't eat like I need to, I've gained 7 pounds but I am considering switching to a cut/recomp...if I do should I change my dosage or drop the npp and add in tren instead....my current dose is 600 sustanon and 525 npp....It worked great while I was eating right but I work outside in the heat and just can't eat as much as needed to grow...I still have about 35 cc of npp so should I still use it or get something better for nutrition partioning...

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Well I started an npp/test cycle 6 weeks ago and it was a bulk cycle but since it's gotten hot the past 2 weeks I just can't eat like I need to, I've gained 7 pounds but I am considering switching to a cut/recomp...if I do should I change my dosage or drop the npp and add in tren instead....my current dose is 600 sustanon and 525 npp....It worked great while I was eating right but I work outside in the heat and just can't eat as much as needed to grow...I still have about 35 cc of npp so should I still use it or get something better for nutrition partioning...

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I think u would be fine just staying on bulk. Your cycle! I have gotten awesome results from deca and test during times I couldn't bulk from lack of appetite.
The problem with me is i gain bloat and even fatty soft tissue in chest and midsection.
It doesn't continue to keep getting fatter but it stays there while on!
If i keep diet in total check this doesn't happen and i get really full muscle but not like the hardness tren gives!!

This is how I switch to tren.
If on Deca skip week of deca and start tren next week!
I myself have noticed I do better with tren higher than test so I would lower sust too or long ester test to 400 a week or and switch to test prop and tren a!

I would do week off npp to prevent extra progest sides and Lower test the week to prevent test spike causing tren sides.

I notice my sides or from aromatasing testosterone combined tren or something!
Tren binds stronger to receptors and tren is 5x stronger then testosterone so using more testosterone than necessary will leave us with more aromatase!!!

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You could go either way with this really but you need to be on a proper diet with whatever you are on. I'm cutting with tren now and I'm doing test p 100/ Tren A 100 EOD and Tren E 400 Monday and Thursday. That's just the tren and test but I have quite a bit of other things rolling also.
Well my food is clean regardless, I'm just having trouble consuming anymore than 2500 calories being I'm outside in the heat all day it's killing my appetite so that's why I'm considering just eating 2500 clean calories a day and trimming up some....I'm 5'8 220 and roughly 17% bf...

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Well my food is clean regardless, I'm just having trouble consuming anymore than 2500 calories being I'm outside in the heat all day it's killing my appetite so that's why I'm considering just eating 2500 clean calories a day and trimming up some....I'm 5'8 220 and roughly 17% bf...

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Tren kills my appetite and I get heartburn bad.
So I use tren for cutting the appetite thing helps me to be deficit and the way I lose water from tren especially with test under 400 mg a week.
I do this
Test prop 50 mg a day
Tren a 75 mg a day
Masterone 150 mg a day
Proviron 50-100 a day
And 50 mg anavar does beautiful
I get strength from anavar big time and from tren I lose fat drop water sweat my ass off all night and my diet doesn't have to be completely clean.
Meaning I can eat a few Oreos with my dinner but I finish eating at 8:00 pm and fast till 6:30 just protein at 4:45 before workout

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in your shoes i would keep on doing sustanon and nandrolone phenyl propionate.

the addition of trenbolone to replace the npp is not going to help. Actually in your situation with the heat and appetite issue, if you said you were on Sustanon and tren, and was asking about replacing the tren with npp i would say yes. So i think your on what you should be. replacing with tren will make matter worse.
I agree. Tren as said suppresses appetite. I am still on it last week and heart burn bad. Pepcid ac doing trick. Lol

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I agree. Tren as said suppresses appetite. I am still on it last week and heart burn bad. Pepcid ac doing trick. Lol

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I'm on a truckload of tren and about every 3 nights it boils up into my throat bad. I eat 3 tums chewables and I'm good to go.
Ten suppress appetite in ht climates but with the Npp just adjust your cals. With the heat you are going to be swearing and burning a lot of cals so you will still need a good amount but I would keep your doses where they are and just lower your cal I take 200 cals a week until you are comfortable but can hold the weight and just keep the protein high. I'm not big on shakes but this is a time I will make one at night but I bring a cup of oats to powder and it to two scoops protein and add peanut butter basically make it 1000 cals use 4 oz milk and 10 ice cubes blend everything you have it and put in fridge and if u wake up in middle of night to piss drink it and get and extra 1000 cals.

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