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  1. R

    Oral Liquid Recipes

    Ok, thanks brotha!
  2. R

    Oral Liquid Recipes

    Vehicle to keep it suspended.
  3. R

    Oral Liquid Recipes

    I know nolva and clomid are usually mixed with peg600 and 190 proof alc. Would humco work??
  4. R

    Oral Liquid Recipes

    I've just been doing humco and raw powder. So far so good.
  5. R

    10 Cutting and Bulking Steroid Cycles

    Ok, I do love that stack. Was just going to try something different. I may run it again and up the dosage and calories this cycle.
  6. R

    10 Cutting and Bulking Steroid Cycles

    I will. What's the shortest cycle you would run with the sust, deca, drol? I want to do the prop,tren, winny clen,igf-1 for summer cutting.
  7. R

    10 Cutting and Bulking Steroid Cycles

    Thinking sust 250, deca, and drol... any suggestions or a better bulking stack, Presser? Im ready to grow brotha.
  8. R

    10 Cutting and Bulking Steroid Cycles

    Bump... the bulk is coming
  9. R

    Mass building cycle. Can you stack tren/deca/test with drol

    I'd love to try that! Maybe at Test e 700 Deca 400 Tren 400 Drol 100/ed
  10. R

    Mass building cycle. Can you stack tren/deca/test with drol

    Ok, I'll be running it for 16 weeks. I'm still seeing gains so I may wait til I hit a wall before I bump up the mgs.
  11. R

    Mass building cycle. Can you stack tren/deca/test with drol

    Hmmm...guess I'll see soon. I'm only doing 600mg/week so I may not see very much from it.
  12. R

    Mass building cycle. Can you stack tren/deca/test with drol

    This is my first time taking eq bro. So I don't really know how it will feel. How long does it usually take to feel it?
  13. R

    Mass building cycle. Can you stack tren/deca/test with drol

    I really like this cycle. The eq has my bp elevated too. I'm assuming it's the eq. Nothing crazy, just a little higher than normal. I'm on my 5th week in and the gains have been great. This is my last week of the drol. Will go 5 or 6 weeks no oral and then finish up the cycle with some...
  14. R

    Clenbuterol FAQ. How to cycle Clen and Clen Side Effects and Doses

    Bump....can't remember reading but can you run clen and oral winny together??
  15. R

    Mass building cycle. Can you stack tren/deca/test with drol

    Thanks Z! I'm on test/eq/tren drol cycle now. I would like to swap deca in place of the eq next time. If I do I'll be sure to up the test some to be sure.
  16. R

    Mass building cycle. Can you stack tren/deca/test with drol

    Thanks bro! I'm fairly new to tren but I love it. Doesn't seem to bother me like it does some. Really want to try deca or npp next.
  17. R

    Mass building cycle. Can you stack tren/deca/test with drol

    Can you stack tren/deca/test with drol? Or are the sides too much? blood pressure problems, etc.. Just looking for some input from ones who have ran it before.