10 Cutting and Bulking Steroid Cycles

Thinking sust 250, deca, and drol... any suggestions or a better bulking stack, Presser? Im ready to grow brotha.

sustanon, deca, and drol is a good bulking stack brutha!!

my all time favorite though is

tren ace
igf-1 lr3

and if you do the cycle u listed, you should seriously consider adding IGF-1 lr3, you will get 10X more out of your cycle!! Gauranteed!
I will. What's the shortest cycle you would run with the sust, deca, drol? I want to do the prop,tren, winny clen,igf-1 for summer cutting.
16 weeks is the shortest i would run it, only cause the deca is in there, if u had NPP (fast acting deca) then i would say 12 weeks you could get away with
I will. What's the shortest cycle you would run with the sust, deca, drol? I want to do the prop,tren, winny clen,igf-1 for summer cutting.

thats a much better bulker than the sustanon, deca , drol for the record,
can i go back2back on this cycle just to shock the body?

this cycle will make ya grow i just don't like the cycle length and why wouldn't ya use tren in the start of cycle with ur testosterone suspension, I know i would! anyways were all different and react different, but I'm just throwing my 2 cents out there!

Testaviron depot - 1,000mg per week, weeks 1-10
Equipoise - 800mg per week, weeks 1-10
Dianabol - 50-75mg per day, weeks 1-5/6
Testosterone suspension - 100mg per day, weeks 1-4/5
Finajet/Trenbolone - 150mg per day, last 4-6 weeks
Winstrol at the last - 100mg per day, last 4-6 weeks

I heard this method from Rich Piani on YouTube. For example I split the first three do that for 2 weeks then jump on the last three hormones. Then repeat the method till its done. would that be more effective?
I heard this method from Rich Piani on YouTube. For example I split the first three do that for 2 weeks then jump on the last three hormones. Then repeat the method till its done. would that be more effective?

Welcome to MuscleChemistry.com. I'm not sure what your asking. 8m also not sure why you wouldn't run tren from the start.
New to the site so hey everyone. What would you recommend for a goal from now till spring is to add some size and get my abs to be more visible. Have the outline of upper two, would guess around 12% body fat. Lifting 5+ yrs would be beginner of cycles (I don't even know where to get this kind of stuff as I live in a little town with a small gym). Thanks!
New to the site so hey everyone. What would you recommend for a goal from now till spring is to add some size and get my abs to be more visible. Have the outline of upper two, would guess around 12% body fat. Lifting 5+ yrs would be beginner of cycles (I don't even know where to get this kind of stuff as I live in a little town with a small gym). Thanks!

Welcome to MuscleChemistry.com. It is always best if you start a new thread you will get many more responses. In the mean time it is a as this thread advocates
Best Cycle of all time for ANYONE is:

IGF-1 lr3 from www.musclechemistry.com

Testosterone propionate

Trenbolone Acetate


Opinions may vary but this has worked for me in the past and I am planning this again in the future. (soon)

Please start a new thread.
New to the site so hey everyone. What would you recommend for a goal from now till spring is to add some size and get my abs to be more visible. Have the outline of upper two, would guess around 12% body fat. Lifting 5+ yrs would be beginner of cycles (I don't even know where to get this kind of stuff as I live in a little town with a small gym). Thanks!

cant believe i never noticed this i dont think anyhow lol

and for those reading this in the future


Now how about we get some people adding their favorite cycles to this thread
I think in the next week, im going to start adding to my Propionate and IGF-1 Lr3 I use now and add some equipoise, and dianabol. I hate dianabol, but im thinking about it! lol,

Also come May 1st im going to start cutting down and using some Ostarine , propionate and IGF-1 lr3
24 week steroid cycle with IGF-1 lr3 , HGH, Parabolan, Masteron, Anavar, winstrol, Clenbuterol, T3 cytomel, and Proviron

PCT ancillaries are clomid, arimidx, though not listed below i would have Nolvadex on hand incase of an estrogen rebound where arimidex wont be effective initially
Short Bulking Steroid Cycle with Testosterone enanthate, testosterone propionate, Nandrolone Phenyl propionate, Dianabol

Post Cycle Therapy Drugs / ancillaries are Clomid, HCG injections, and Vitamin C with D-aspartic acid

PCT starts weeks 11 through 14
