10 Cutting and Bulking Steroid Cycles

Best Steroid Cycle for Bulking, and Cutting! You can do anything you want with this exact cycle and transform your body extremely fast!

Testosterone Propionate 200mg every other day
Trenbolone Acetate 100mg every other day
Winny 50mg daily
IGF-1 Lr3 60mcgs daily

Can I use this without the IGF-1, also what would the PCT be like on this?
Can I use this without the IGF-1, also what would the PCT be like on this?

No! You have to use it with the igf-1 lr3 or your dick will fall off and you'll die!!! Lmao kidding of course and welcome to MC and of course you can run this cycle without the igf! I wouldn't but that's just me ��
No! You have to use it with the igf-1 lr3 or your dick will fall off and you'll die!!! Lmao kidding of course and welcome to MC and of course you can run this cycle without the igf! I wouldn't but that's just me ��

I appreciate the response we have a small bodybuilding forum (muscletalk.co.za) here in SA where I am from, but it's not big enough yet to get all the advice one needs.

I am really interested in running:

Testosterone Propionate 200mg every other day
Trenbolone Acetate 100mg every other day
Winny 50mg daily

But I am not sure about the PCT part... PCT to me is one big mystery and would really appreciate some help with that.
this cycle will make ya grow i just don't like the cycle length and why wouldn't ya use tren in the start of cycle with ur testosterone suspension, I know i would! anyways were all different and react different, but I'm just throwing my 2 cents out there!

Testaviron depot - 1,000mg per week, weeks 1-10
Equipoise - 800mg per week, weeks 1-10
Dianabol - 50-75mg per day, weeks 1-5/6
Testosterone suspension - 100mg per day, weeks 1-4/5
Finajet/Trenbolone - 150mg per day, last 4-6 weeks
Winstrol at the last - 100mg per day, last 4-6 weeks

God dam that's a little crazy for my taste looks brutal though lol
No! You have to use it with the igf-1 lr3 or your dick will fall off and you'll die!!! Lmao kidding of course and welcome to MC and of course you can run this cycle without the igf! I wouldn't but that's just me ��

I really appreciate the reply, I come from a small bodybuilding forum here in SA where I am from, it's not big enough yet to get all the help one needs.

I am interested in doing:

Testosterone Propionate 200mg every other day
Trenbolone Acetate 100mg every other day
Winny 50mg daily

But what about PCT ? I am so noob with PCT
this cycle will make ya grow i just don't like the cycle length and why wouldn't ya use tren in the start of cycle with ur testosterone suspension, I know i would! anyways were all different and react different, but I'm just throwing my 2 cents out there!

Testaviron depot - 1,000mg per week, weeks 1-10
Equipoise - 800mg per week, weeks 1-10
Dianabol - 50-75mg per day, weeks 1-5/6
Testosterone suspension - 100mg per day, weeks 1-4/5
Finajet/Trenbolone - 150mg per day, last 4-6 weeks
Winstrol at the last - 100mg per day, last 4-6 weeks
i really like this on presser nice
I really appreciate the reply, I come from a small bodybuilding forum here in SA where I am from, it's not big enough yet to get all the help one needs.

I am interested in doing:

Testosterone Propionate 200mg every other day
Trenbolone Acetate 100mg every other day
Winny 50mg daily

But what about PCT ? I am so noob with PCT

bro, thats an absolutely Beautiful cycle! As for pct, depends how long you plan on staying on this cycle? But i would certainly have everything ready to go, HCG, clomid, nolvadex, etc…..
hmm strange shit trying to post in this thread, anyone having issues loading this thread??
bro, thats an absolutely Beautiful cycle! As for pct, depends how long you plan on staying on this cycle? But i would certainly have everything ready to go, HCG, clomid, nolvadex, etc…..

I'm looking at 6 weeks...

Isn't Tren like dangerously hardcore?
I'm looking at 6 weeks...

Isn't Tren like dangerously hardcore?

dangerously hardcore, NO! …..Potent and to be used properly and respected….YES!

and 6 week cycle of this stack is a waste of time bro! no point in it!
dangerously hardcore, NO! …..Potent and to be used properly and respected….YES!

and 6 week cycle of this stack is a waste of time bro! no point in it!

But going 12 weeks just feel so... Steroidy, I only recently ventured into this moral playing field.

- - - Updated - - -

Lets say for arguments sake:

what would a 6 weeks cycle and PCT dosage look like?


what would a 12 weeks cycle and PCT dosage look like?

( All the every other day pins... That looks like a shiat load of needles)
But going 12 weeks just feel so... Steroidy, I only recently ventured into this moral playing field.

lol, then maybe you should take up racket ball lmao

If your going to do it, then do it right brutha! Cycling steroids is a serious decision and takes dedication to learning about how they work in your body, together and well you really need to do it right or not do it at all
But going 12 weeks just feel so... Steroidy, I only recently ventured into this moral playing field.

- - - Updated - - -

Lets say for arguments sake:

what would a 6 weeks cycle and PCT dosage look like?


what would a 12 weeks cycle and PCT dosage look like?

( All the every other day pins... That looks like a shiat load of needles)

This is what a 6 week cycle would look like-------->

And the 12 week cycle would look exactly how you laid it out to begin with
This is what a 6 week cycle would look like-------->

And the 12 week cycle would look exactly how you laid it out to begin with

Was more referring to the PCT part, I am not entirely sure what PCT involves when the appropriate times are etc. I know what to use, just not sure when and dosage etc.
Was more referring to the PCT part, I am not entirely sure what PCT involves when the appropriate times are etc. I know what to use, just not sure when and dosage etc.

you missed the point, i know you were asking about pct, and my arrow was pointing to NOTHING for the pct for a 6 week cycle, cause a 6 week cycle is pointless, thus pct is as well,
My best bulked was
1 ml of Sust ed week 1-15
700 mg eq week 1-15
500 mg fina e week 1-15
500 mg mast e 1-15
150 mg drol ed split week 1-4