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  1. B

    Ever wonder about Component T-H

    can you guys give me you opinion on BB to BA to oil ratio for final product? crystal conversion
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    Ever wonder about Component T-H

    I found this company information about Component T-H. This may answer some questions people may have. I know there is always questions about the "BLUE PILL". see page 12
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    Introducing myself.

    Welcome to MC man. I just joined about a month ago and these guys are great and know their stuff.
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    Peptide for Test E recomp cycle?

    I think I'm going to just use the frag and Clen for a month then start my TEST E cycle
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    and life screws me again

    I was in peru planning on doing an 8 week test E cycle while I was there. Well I was sent home early. Got the gear home but no Pins. I did pin .5ml while I was in peru and haven't pinned since. On top of that. the last day I was in Peru I got food poisoning and some kind of flu. I'm just now...
  6. B

    Peptide for Test E recomp cycle?

    I am considering adding a peptide to my Recomp Test E cycle(300mg/w yeah I know its low). I've been considering FRAG 176-191. I have read a few threads on here that were created back in June and it doesn't seem like frag is well liked. But there is lots of info that seems like it works if used...
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    hmmmmm What do you think?

    I was actually looking into HgH Frag 176-191 for its fat burning properties. Do we sell this? I was looking at or site and only see 4 peptides. I was thinking of possibly running this on my Test E cycle since its basically a recomp cycle. I could use the added fat loss.
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    hmmmmm What do you think?

    I apologize. Wasn't advertising or anything. Just wanted your guys thoughts about this site. Won't happen again
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    hmmmmm What do you think?

    I found this website for peptides. Curious what you folks think. Cxxxxx
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    Am i safe?

    thanks. this thread seems to be getting out of control
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    Am i safe?

    hi guys so here's my situation. I was going to be in Peru for 8 weeks for work. I bought enough TEST E for a 300mg/week/for an 8 week cycle. well the job got cancelled and I went back home. so when I got the call that the job was cancelled, the first thought was" CRAP HOW AM I GOING TO GET...
  12. B

    is my PCT thinking correct?

    Well I was sent home early. But was able to get my gear home. Only have 2375mg. Wish there was an easy way to get what I need in California. I would really like to use 5-600mg a week like everybody suggests but my hands are tied. So here's my plan now Kinda starting over week 1. Monday...
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    is my PCT thinking correct?

    hey guys, I would like your thought/advice on my thoughts for my PCT Cycle: 350mg TEST E Every Week for 8 week cycle 30mg EPI ED for about two more weeks, until I run out milk thistle multivitamin ED Liver support keep diet on point PCT: take 500IU of HCG ED for 10 days before I start PCT...
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    Newbie needs your help

    Thanks for all the advice guys. I have to say the more and more I read the harder it is for me to make a decision on what to do. I was able to get enough test e for 350mg a week. I pinned my first dose a couple days ago. I could really use some direction for the best pct and what to take while...
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    Newbie needs your help

    thanks presser. I have spent all day looking for test prop and its just not available. Test E is my only option. I am quite amazed that I can walk into a pharmacy and get this stuff so easily. what advice can you guys give me on my PCT?
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    Newbie needs your help

    yeah its really expensive but I can't get it in the US. and since its legal here I figured the money is worth it while I have the chance.
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    Newbie needs your help

    I've only been able to find TESTOVIRON DEPOT 250. Now the confusing part is that the box says 250mg/ml of testosterone enanthate. But everything I have read says its actually 200mg of E and 50 of prop. but the box has no metion of prop. I have to assume its 250 of E since that's what the box says.
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    Newbie needs your help

    Hi guys, I've been a reader for quit awhile and finally have a reason to create my first post. Ill try to make this sweet and to the point background: I'm 35, 5'11", 195 lbs., stocky build with broad shoulders for many years I have been a lazy fat azz. A year ago this September I got up to...