Introducing myself.


New member
Hello, don't know if this is in the right section. Sorry if it's not. Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm 24 years old. Actually 23 but turning 24 on September 10, so close enough right? I consider myself a newbie when it comes to cycles only because I have only ran one simple cycle of epi a few months ago. I've been training since I was 16 but the past 2-3 years I've gotten serious about it. I made a pretty huge transformation 2 summers ago.

Anyways, my epi cycle was really successful. The only thing that sucked was the lethargy from not having a test base. Im considering running another ph cycle or just might dive into a simple test e or test c cycle. I'm not scared of pining, just don't know a legit source. There are so many out there that claim to be legit but who really knows ha. I've actually been thinking about making my own from powder since I'm a broke senior in college. Don't really know what else to say. I'm here to learn and throw in my .02 cents whenever I can. Thanks
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Welcome to MC man. I just joined about a month ago and these guys are great and know their stuff.
I'd edit your post and take out your personal info bro. You never know when it could come back to bite you in the ass. Otherwise welcome to the forum.