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  1. L

    lose belly without getting thinner

    You can' lose fat from one part of body it have to be from whole body. ............... Weight Loss is not only about, low calories intake, and dieting. But more of exercising, healthy eating, and good lifestyle. Consider my routines below. Cardiovascular Workout for weight loss. Cardio...
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    Diet Must Haves

    In the past I suffered from weight problem and fortunately I was able to get rid of it with healthy diet and exercise. Losing weight is a simple equation: if you burn more calories than you eat, the weight will come off. Start off by estimating how many calories you burn each day using the...
  3. L

    Weight lose tips.

    Just eat healthy foods not only vegetables or juice but all kinds of balanced and healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, lean meat, whole grains, nuts, berries, fish, beans etc. And for effective and quick weight loss you've to do two kinds of exercises, both cardio and weight training. It's...
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    I Love Anal

    Hahaha, You made my day :):laugh:
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    diet and exercise

    Nice information and good diet suggestion especially for newbies. Thanks for sharing :)
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    Movie Review for "The Lazarus Effect"….IT SUCKED

    Yup, saw it some time ago occidentally and It was really pathetic. Didn't like it one bit. Hollow man was much much better.
  7. L

    weight loss

    Just eat healthy foods like leafy greens, lean meat, nuts, beans, berries, fish, whole grains etc and avoid all kinds of junk and processed foods. Drinking lots of water, taking green tea with lemon can also be very helpful. But the exercise is the key. Exercise at least 3,4 times in a week...
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    Low Testosterone not just in males: Testosterone, atherosclerosis and obesity may be

    Great info, nice article and very helpful. Thanks for sharing and seems like It may sense that it can effect females also.
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    Which is Best aerobic exercise?

    Swimming is best because It tones up all muscles of your body. Then comes running and cycling.