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  1. L

    Cycle Advice

    hey bud....thanks. That is what I was thinking. Switch over to Prop in like 2 weeks, lower the dose and run a PCT at the same time? Like nolva or clomid?
  2. L

    Cycle Advice

    Any feedback fellas??
  3. L

    Cycle Advice

    I appreciate the response my man, but I am not sure if you read what I posted. I was looking for some options based on the current cycle I am on. I am running those two stacks EOD. I was looking for an option after the 20 week mark. Either completely go off, new stack or maybe cruise?
  4. L

    Cycle Advice

    well I used it before and it worked well. It gets in quick and starts working. I actually did not have original intentions on moving to Sus....I'm glad I did. I am guessing you thought I should have ran that from Day 1. Probably next run....
  5. L

    Cycle Advice

    What about it? Why it was used?
  6. L

    Cycle Advice

    Hi Fellas, I wanted to get some feedback as to a possible next move in what I have been doing. Appreciate any feedback or advice. I have been on a cycle now that is probably approaching the 17th week at the moment. Here is the breakdown: Weeks 1 - 8 Test Prop - 100mgs/EOD NPP - 100mgs/EOD...
  7. L


    I actually saw a difference Friday night training arms. Was able to go heavier on certain sets than before. So I will stick with the 50mgs before training. I also changed up to Sus EOD and left it at 250. I only have about 4 weeks left or so in this I will try to capitalize. Plus EOD...
  8. L


    Funny u say that BIGZ, I ran Var recently and my strength went up noticeably! I actually moved the full 50mgs before my workout last night and trained back. I felt good and strong.
  9. L


    Yea - I read different things on that and doses. The source is actually a trusted vendor/sponsor here. So I am hoping it is legit. But what sides are you speaking of at 50Mgs? I am not noticing anything different honestly. I was going to go up to 75mg. - - - Updated - - - really? That is...
  10. L


    Would you recommend more? The cycle is about 10 weeks in now - so there is time left. But Sus is only in for 4 -5 weeks now. Is the dose too low? I have been noticing overall gains but I was expecting more honestly.
  11. L


    So take the 50mgs before training? But the question remains, I should be seeing a noticeable strength increase correct?
  12. L


    2 weeks in at 50mgs a day. Splitting half in the morning and then half before training. I would think that there would be a noticeable strength increase with 50mgs. Source is reputable. Do I need more? I feel like nothing changed. I am currently running 250mgs of Sus every 5 days and 100-125mgs...
  13. L

    Advice with downtime from traveling

    yea...I just hate to interrupt the cycle...but at least the Sus would be in the system and then I will just pick back up on the NPP. It wont even matter if I add extra on the NPP since its a short ester. But I am only missing 2 pins.
  14. L

    Advice with downtime from traveling

    Thanks - so when I pick back up on the NPP, it would just kick back in?
  15. L

    Advice with downtime from traveling

    Looking for some advice from the vets here. I'm already 4 weeks in on a Prop/NPP cycle with Var thrown in. Doing well and seeing gains. Pinning EOD and Var everyday. Now I will be working in Sus since I never tried it before and excited to see what it can do. Unfortunately I still cant get away...
  16. L

    why are you not using IGF?

    Are you guys using it pre or post workout in the body parts you are training?? I was reading that it may be more effective post workout and there were additional benefits. I was using it for a while over a year ago. I can attest to the "pumps" when I was doing it pre workout. I used to run a...
  17. L

    Steroids+creatine= more satellite cells+more nuclei=THE ABILITY TO GROW LARGER MUSCLES!!

    So a good amount would be 10-15gs daily? I should be around 10 now - I will bump that up!
  18. L
  19. L

    PSL: An honest review

    Any updates on the oil?? Many days passed and you would think PSL would want to resolve this....