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2 weeks in at 50mgs a day. Splitting half in the morning and then half before training. I would think that there would be a noticeable strength increase with 50mgs. Source is reputable. Do I need more? I feel like nothing changed. I am currently running 250mgs of Sus every 5 days and 100-125mgs of NPP EOD. I am in 10 weeks total right now. Started the first 6 weeks on Test Prop and then switch to Sus. NPP been running from the beginning. Should anything be modified? Thanks
I have never spit my dbol up. Take it about 30min before I train and enjoy the results. Just my 2 cents.
So take the 50mgs before training? But the question remains, I should be seeing a noticeable strength increase correct?
I would think 2 weeks in you should be noticing strength and well being effects BUT I for one don't respond like many others. I don't get the well being side or much in the way of noticable strength.

If you are keeping your liver support up. I would up the dose.

Question...Why are you taking the sust only once ever 5 days?
Hate to say it but good dbol is noticeable at 20mg And most people would be having noticeable side effects from 50mg, not that you wouldn't be able to tolerate them. I personally run lower dose and aim for 5 weeks if possible but every time at about 3.5 weeks the sides become uncomfortable. I might he a bit sensitive but I always end up skipping doses/ days to avoid the sides even at 30mg.

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And ps I notice (like most) strength increase and some euphoria from dbol starting around day 3
I stay around the 25mg dose and like I said earlier, only take it before I train. Strength shows up in just a few days. Love it.
I would think 2 weeks in you should be noticing strength and well being effects BUT I for one don't respond like many others. I don't get the well being side or much in the way of noticable strength.

If you are keeping your liver support up. I would up the dose.

Question...Why are you taking the sust only once ever 5 days?

Would you recommend more? The cycle is about 10 weeks in now - so there is time left. But Sus is only in for 4 -5 weeks now. Is the dose too low? I have been noticing overall gains but I was expecting more honestly.
Yea - I read different things on that and doses. The source is actually a trusted vendor/sponsor here. So I am hoping it is legit. But what sides are you speaking of at 50Mgs? I am not noticing anything different honestly. I was going to go up to 75mg.

Hate to say it but good dbol is noticeable at 20mg And most people would be having noticeable side effects from 50mg, not that you wouldn't be able to tolerate them. I personally run lower dose and aim for 5 weeks if possible but every time at about 3.5 weeks the sides become uncomfortable. I might he a bit sensitive but I always end up skipping doses/ days to avoid the sides even at 30mg.

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And ps I notice (like most) strength increase and some euphoria from dbol starting around day 3

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I would do sus EOD to get the most bang out of it.

really? That is 250mg a pop....so you would be at 1,000 roughly a week? I was hoping to see more gains and size from sus. I know people love it. and keep the NPP at 400?
I get painful back pumps and start to hold water. If I keep it around 25mg a day, that doesn't seem to happen.
Sides on dbol are hard to explain. A yucky feeling in your body... Low blood sugar... Negative changes in appetite. .. A lot having to do with liver stress... Think superdrol but not as bad . Everybody's different. Arnold took handfuls of the stuff consistently while others don't like it at all. High test seems to help alleviate some of the sides with dbol and other orals.

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Sides best explained as feeling shitty
Man I never had any negative sides from dbol. Maybe only a hunger that wont go away. I love the pump from it and the strength gains. One of the best things I have ever taken. Period. The old 5mg Thai Dbol's were the best. I have never had any Dbol as good as they were.
Dbol doesn't work for everyone. I get awesome pumps during my workouts, but that's about it--no noticeable strength gains, no water retention. I noticed far more when I ran anavar than when I ran dbol.
Dbol doesn't work for everyone. I get awesome pumps during my workouts, but that's about it--no noticeable strength gains, no water retention. I noticed far more when I ran anavar than when I ran dbol.

Funny u say that BIGZ, I ran Var recently and my strength went up noticeably! I actually moved the full 50mgs before my workout last night and trained back. I felt good and strong.
Dbol doesn't work for everyone. I get awesome pumps during my workouts, but that's about it--no noticeable strength gains, no water retention. I noticed far more when I ran anavar than when I ran dbol.

I react similarly. I also turn into uncompromising fucking asshole, which is enough of a reason for me to stay away from this compound altogether.
Dbol is like anything else, it may work for one person and not another. The same with any gear, that is why it is so hard to tell someone what will and will not work. Everyone is different.
Yes to be doesd properly sust needs to be taken every other day. That doesn't mean you have to do a full cc, although many do. I would recommend starting with 1/2 cc eod.

As far as the dbol like BigZ and drtbear nothing works for everyone.
I use to love it 50mg a day great pumps

then I would get so bloated that it was painful to walk

now NOTHING the last 2 times I tried it nothing...planning on a cycle here soon going to kick start with 25mg a day of dbol just to see if I get anything until the long acting esters kick in from the test and deca
I actually saw a difference Friday night training arms. Was able to go heavier on certain sets than before. So I will stick with the 50mgs before training. I also changed up to Sus EOD and left it at 250. I only have about 4 weeks left or so in this cycle...so I will try to capitalize. Plus EOD seems to be no bother since I am already running NPP EOD.