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  1. M

    First time Cycle

    Correction, I just checked my body fat with calipers a few times. I got a range from 15.8-16.4% My diet is fairly well and I lift 5-6 days a week, mostly powerlifts and multimuscle lifts. I am fairly storng but would like to obviously improve and cut the extra fat
  2. M

    First time Cycle

    Looking for advise I am 35 years old. 6'1" and 215 lbs I am carring around too much fat right now (20%) and would loke to cut back up (10%ish) and gain some strength was advised to run Sustanon 1 cc twice a week Nolvadex durring cycle and Clomid after. I have been doing some research and...
  3. M

    New Users looking for reliable source.

    Thanks didnt mean to break the rules
  4. M

    New Users looking for reliable source.

    Hi, let me cut to the chase. I am a new member and looking into doing my first real cycle. I am 35 years old and starting to feel the affects of getting older (tired and slow recovery). I have done alot of research on different recomended cycles and dosages but the guy I was going to get...