First time Cycle


New member
Looking for advise I am 35 years old. 6'1" and 215 lbs I am carring around too much fat right now (20%) and would loke to cut back up (10%ish) and gain some strength

was advised to run

Sustanon 1 cc twice a week
Nolvadex durring cycle
and Clomid after.

I have been doing some research and also thinking about adding a low does of tren, winny or Deca but not sure if i should or what to change.

also read about how some people recomend taking HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) along with my post. Need help guys
Looking for advise I am 35 years old. 6'1" and 215 lbs I am carring around too much fat right now (20%) and would loke to cut back up (10%ish) and gain some strength

was advised to run

Sustanon 1 cc twice a week
Nolvadex durring cycle
and Clomid after.

I have been doing some research and also thinking about adding a low does of tren, winny or Deca but not sure if i should or what to change.

also read about how some people recomend taking HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) along with my post. Need help guys

sustanon (traditional blends) need to be taken every other day or every day, though theirs loads of UG brands of sustanon, so you need to know the blend before you know your dosing protocol. If you do decide to add one of the products you mentioned, then the tren ace would be your best bet if your trying to cut up, you only need about 50mg tren ace every other day to see great gains , that with sustanon every other day will help ou gain quality muscle and still enable you to lose the fat if you workout and eat properly, if you don't diet properly or train right then the gear doesn't matter at all!!!

Im not sure what 20% fat look like on you, so you may wanna consider NO steroids until you cut the fat down into the mid teens,
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just realized u said it would be your first cycle, i would cut down your BF% first brutha, who knows you may love what you see under neath the fat and not need or wanna cycle any gear, ya know!

and at ur age you can go get a legal script for testosterone, i would go that route!
Correction, I just checked my body fat with calipers a few times. I got a range from 15.8-16.4% My diet is fairly well and I lift 5-6 days a week, mostly powerlifts and multimuscle lifts. I am fairly storng but would like to obviously improve and cut the extra fat
Good to see you on MC, there is a world of knowledge here. And the brothers will help you out with your cycle.
Welcome to MC. Bro, with sustanon you will just grow bigger with more wwater weight and you will look well....fat. You need a different substance to cycle or lose some BF as you go. Sust is not the substance to use with a high BF plus you will spike your blood pressure through the roof.

It was once popular and I see why but since it contains so many short esters and small amounts you will need to inject at least 1 ml every other day that's 3 injections a week min.

Adding tren on a first cycle is not advised-unless you want to make the tabloid news and give AAS a bad name. First timers wwill not do well on Tren, anyone here will tell you that.

Now winny, that's a great option. If your ok with frequent injections-since you chose sustanon-go with test prop and igf-1
so that's winny, test P and IGF-1 as a first cycle would be great and it will help reduce the bodyfat.
make sure you use Nolvadex (a cheaper option) for estrogen and bloat.

I hope you take the advice you get and use it wisely..
just realized u said it would be your first cycle, i would cut down your BF% first brutha, who knows you may love what you see under neath the fat and not need or wanna cycle any gear, ya know!

and at ur age you can go get a legal script for testosterone, i would go that route!

AMEN! May I add start with your workout and diet plan before thinking what cycle will work bro.
yep diet and training are far more important than the cycle itself
sustanon (traditional blends) need to be taken every other day or every day, though theirs loads of UG brands of sustanon, so you need to know the blend before you know your dosing protocol. If you do decide to add one of the products you mentioned, then the tren ace would be your best bet if your trying to cut up, you only need about 50mg tren ace every other day to see great gains , that with sustanon every other day will help ou gain quality muscle and still enable you to lose the fat if you workout and eat properly, if you don't diet properly or train right then the gear doesn't matter at all!!!

Im not sure what 20% fat look like on you, so you may wanna consider NO steroids until you cut the fat down into the mid teens,

So, first timers or second timers are seriously injection EOD? If using the 'traditional' sust 250, how is one rotating the sites? Or is this not that big of a deal b/c it's only 1cc? (if going test E instead @250/cc, that can be be done 2x a week vs 3 to 4x a week, correct?) Thanks.