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    What Dose of Ostarine for Cutting and Bulking Cycle. PCT for Sarms with SERMS

    Thank Presser. You wouldn't use nolva? I actually just purchased some nolva assuming that would be best from what i had read (durpp). I can grab some clomid to use instead. What dosage of clomid would you recommend for it to be "light"? Sent from my GM1917 using Tapatalk
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    What Dose of Ostarine for Cutting and Bulking Cycle. PCT for Sarms with SERMS

    Hey i hope I'm asking on the right thread but what PCT would you recommend for an 8 week cycle of sarms? I'll be taking 15mg rad 140, 25mg ostarine and 20mg cardarine daily. I just purchased some nolva, just wondering what you'd recommend daily dose-wise for it after the cycle.
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    Interested in SARMs

    Yeah i thought it was cardarine. I'll check it out n.. saw presser had a sticky about a sale but the link seems broken
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    Interested in SARMs

    I've used clomid on my cycles without too much issue. I still need a good source for the lgd, though. Can't find a reliable one. GW the prohormone?
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    Interested in SARMs

    Hey Maj thanks for the reply. My goals are to gain lean mass as much as possible. I would like to do 6-8 weeks cycle it that's realistic. I don't know what type of gains to expect with these as I've never done them. PCT i can definitely do, i figured if it had similar effects to aas that i...
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    Interested in SARMs

    Basically after some research i might try LGD 4033. Would i need some on cycle support? What about pct?
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    Interested in SARMs

    Hey whatsup, no idea. Don't even know which ones to be interested in, honestly. I've read they give you "the benefits of steroids without side effects" which seems far-fetched... Because why even steroid then? I'm interested what their general effects/benefits of their uses are (do you see...
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    Interested in SARMs

    Hey whatsup, no idea. Don't even know which ones to be interested in, honestly. I've read they give you "the benefits of steroids without side effects" which seems far-fetched... Because why even steroid then? I'm interested what their general effects/benefits of their uses are (do you see...
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    Interested in SARMs

    <h1>Best Sarm for Sale for pct and Sarm dosage</h1> , Hey guys, Looking for, in your opinion, the best option of SARMs to use and how to get going with them... I'm a total newb when it comes to them. Do you need on cycle support, liver support? I assume you would do PCT just the same as s...
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    Best Ass Contest. Post Pics of the best bootys you can find in this thread!

    Y'all crazy calling those biscuits oysters!!! Omg, it makes me so hungry thinking about oyster shucking!! Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
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    Best Ass Contest. Post Pics of the best bootys you can find in this thread!

    New thread dedicated to leather and presser called clamfro! Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
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    Best Ass Contest. Post Pics of the best bootys you can find in this thread!

    Presser is totally going to fap to these, it's what he craves #clamfros!! Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
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    Best Ass Contest. Post Pics of the best bootys you can find in this thread!

    You're in the jungle baby! You're gOing to DIE!! Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
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    Best Ass Contest. Post Pics of the best bootys you can find in this thread!

    Baby I was born in 91... The only time I've seen something like that is when my gf recently couldn't see over here pregnant belly and I was ok with that, otherwise, no way Jose Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
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    Best Ass Contest. Post Pics of the best bootys you can find in this thread!

    KITRIANNA! I've gone to fully flaccid. Presser, I demand these hairy clams be taken off of the thread immediately!.lmao Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
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    Best Ass Contest. Post Pics of the best bootys you can find in this thread!

    God I love this page Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
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    Just had my first baby!

    It's tough, but I can't get mad at something that can't help it. I get more frustrated at myself If I can't console him but I love figuring out his new ticks everyday and love seeing the progress me and his mom are making in making sure we're taking care of him the best we know Sent from my...
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    Just had my first baby!

    I hear that, just woke up from two hour nap so I have a total five hours sleep for the day including last night, not too bad haha but not conducive to building muscle lolol Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
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    Just had my first baby!

    Yeah it seems that way, I sit there blow on his belly, tickle him all while calling him and he doesn't even flinch haha Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
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    Just had my first baby!

    Thanks so far everyone... Does anybody have suggestions on how to try to keep them awake during the day so he might go to sleep at night? Man when he wants to sleep he can sleep! Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk