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  1. N

    second cutting phase-no weight loss this time

    So my thirst thread wao on january 2017 now it is april 2018. I was 61 kg now Im 57. These are the humble results for 1 year and 4 months. Blood is ok. I do eat less under maintenance 1400 kcal. Something must be very wrong.any ideas?
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    second cutting phase-no weight loss this time

    it was 21.08.2015 not long time ago. Its a mystery. I meant B4 Burn and not Amino Stim. I used also Amino Stim, beside Protein shake, casein shake, vitamin, maca and so on. Some said, 1600 kcal is too much..I know in the past I ate 800 to 1200 kcal and was not losing any weight. As I started to...
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    second cutting phase-no weight loss this time

    hi! as I remember I used lipo 6x and amino stim. They were both thermogenic I think. Now I dont use them, can this make the difference? well, it shouldn´t, my deficit should be enough to lose weight.
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    second cutting phase-no weight loss this time

    thank you, I am using yohimbe hcl. Some told me to reduce carbonhydrats and up the fat. I was on 2300kcal and slowly went to 1600 kcal- this is so much difference. One told me that I am in a caloric deficit of only 200 kcal. Can this be? on leg days I burn 2500 kcal, on normal days 2200 kcal.
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    second cutting phase-no weight loss this time

    hi, i am 40 years female 61 weight. I had my second bulking phase-natural. At my first cutting phase I ate 1600kcal 50 fat 150 Carbonhydrats 120+Protein. so this is my second cuttin phase and I cant lose weight for weeks. I ate the same, do the same, I am always in Deficit but saw that I have...
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    can I put on more muscles if I just train that body part?

    sorry I am not a native speaker. I meant low testosterone Levels.
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    can I put on more muscles if I just train that body part?

    hi thank you. I work my abs 4x a week and legs 2. The other day is for chest shoulder biceps and so on. I am ok with my arms. I just had the idea to workout my abs and butt for about 8 weeks and neglect other parts. I have limited sources as a woman. I dont know how to fix this. what about to...
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    can I put on more muscles if I just train that body part?

    hi, lets say i work only on my abs and my butt..and I am woman lifting for 3 years. Lets say I can put on 500 g muscles each month. Can I then put 250 g on my abs and 250 g on my butt? instead of building little muscles on different body parts. Do you understand? thank you
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    Should I take ligandrol on days i do not train or workout ?

    hi thank you, I want to do the best of the lgd, dont want to waste it. If it has a half life of 30 hours, and I do sports every 24 hours, so?
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    Should I take ligandrol on days i do not train or workout ?

    hi, do you have to take ligandrol every day even on trainfree days? thank you
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    how much muscles can be gained/month woman

    holy moly! thank you for the answers. Well, 0,2 lbs/month and 1-2 lbs/week make a big big diffrence! @The Dude it was a general question. I had no clue if its 5 lbs with steroids or 200 gramm. wel training is 4x week with upper and lower body split, push and pull days. Very clean eating...
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    how much muscles can be gained/month woman

    hi I have a simple question. 5 years of weightlifting, my age is 40. How much muscles can I gain natural in a month if regeneration, training and nutrion is perfect. I have heard 0,2 pounds?:(( this is 90 g and how much can change this value with a steroid like anavar? thank you
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    help I cant eat so big portions of carbonhydrates!

    hi thank you! well I have 5 meals a day. There are breakfast and snack(rice cracker+protein drink) and two , or three big meals. I can throw up, and this is not good. Meanwhile I hate to eat. I cant go to sleep now, because I am so full..I have to wait. I dont want to have that problems with...
  14. N

    help I cant eat so big portions of carbonhydrates!

    hi, I am female, 52 kg doing weightlifting 4-5 times/week. I have a personal trainer which is also my nutrionist. He upped my carbonhydrates from 140 to 250 g. A typical meal would be: 60 g cous cous 100 g white meat 200 g green veggies but this 3x day! I cant eat that big portions and so...
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    female first steroid-what could it be?

    hi thank you. Kitrianna I see..this is called a stack isn´t it? I am very new to this steroid stuff, and afraid of so much. Do you still have your period?
  16. N

    female first steroid-what could it be?

    thank you! I have read anavar is very expensive? hmm will research it further. Thank you for the advice. Where do you see a big progress? I have seen in a other forum a girl, ok ten years younger than me, but she achieved that in 3 months! greetings
  17. N

    female first steroid-what could it be?

    hi folks, I am training for 2 years and could just gain 2 kg muscles. I am 38 years old woman, 57 kg. In the last 8 months I have earned just 200 g muscles total. I am always training hard and eat moderate. Well by eating in a slight surplus I really just gained belly fat- no muscles. So as a...
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    is Ligandrol in capsules fake?

    hi thank you! well, I just wanted to start slow cuz I have never used such chemicals. So Ostarine has more androgyn effects, like hair loss, voice and so on. LGD was called being safer for females. Actually if Ligandrol should be fake in capsules form, there would not be so many companies...
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    is Ligandrol in capsules fake?

    hi, I am 38 years old female training for 2 years naturally. For the last 8 months I have gained just 200 g muscles total. Now I tried for the first time in my life sarms LGD 4033. These are in capsules. Now I read that only Ligandrol in fluid form is real, all others are fake. Can this be true...