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  1. TravisBLKMACH

    Pharmacon or dragon pharma?

    Are they the same or different ? Can anyone vouch for their quality that is not a site rep? I am not a person who likes change but with pct shop being MIA I need to venture out and make a decision soon and was hoping to get some good feedback. Thanks guys in advance
  2. TravisBLKMACH review

    I just posted a thread before seeing this one. I have always had good dealings with them and have been using their stuff exclusively for 3 years. We even had a mix up in trade where he sent me product before I was able to pay. Very stand up guy. But I’ve heard nothing for weeks after several...
  3. TravisBLKMACH

    Has anyone dealt w/ pct-shop lately?

    I have been using them for a few years and all their stuff is great...but I have emailed him several times recently with no response. Does anyone else here know where he went?
  4. TravisBLKMACH

    MC IGF1-LR3 Log and Review

    yeah I backed down to 400 test per week about a month ago. After I finish this run with tren and equip I will go back to 200 per week. I get blood work done about every 6 months with my TRT Dr, and I am due to see him at the end of this month.
  5. TravisBLKMACH

    MC IGF1-LR3 Log and Review

    WEEK 9 I am continuing on with the IGF , but going forward I am also adding in Tren Ace and Equip which will be the first time for both...If I don't see gains after this I give up lol
  6. TravisBLKMACH

    MC IGF1-LR3 Log and Review

    UPDATE -2-20-17 WEEK 8 After 8 weeks of test only (400mg weekly) and IGF (60 mcg daily), I did some measurements. Everything stayed the same including weight EXCEPT arms - where I gained half inch, and calves, where I gained 1 inch. Very excited about those numbers! To gain a half inch and inch...
  7. TravisBLKMACH

    MC IGF1-LR3 Log and Review

    Yeah man you're good to pin IGF with an insulin needle in your calf. I wouldn't be pinning my test there! �� lol
  8. TravisBLKMACH

    MC IGF1-LR3 Log and Review

    I determine how good my workouts are based on how many shoulder veins are popping...😂
  9. TravisBLKMACH

    Does Tren A as good as Decca for joint protection?

    I have a bad shoulder that flares up from time to time, especially when I go heavy, and bad tendinitis in both elbows that KILL me when I go heavy with triceps. But when I am on Deca, I feel no pain in my joints. That stuff is the real deal. I have done deca of and on for a year. The pain creeps...
  10. TravisBLKMACH

    MC IGF1-LR3 Log and Review

    Ok, I'm just finishing my second bottle, so I have 2 more bottles which should carry me to 12 weeks. I have only been taking it on workout days and taking the weekends off.
  11. TravisBLKMACH

    MC IGF1-LR3 Log and Review

    Feeling really good from the IGF, and was planning on only running for 6 weeks, but I think in may continue on for another 6 weeks. Any thoughts? I plan to do some measurements this week, workouts have been solid, but my diet has suffered this week. (Isn't that always the hardest part?) I...
  12. TravisBLKMACH

    MC IGF1-LR3 Log and Review

    UPDATE - Week 5 Some days you just have those days where the planets align, you've had a good nights sleep, your diet is spot on, you have all your favorite songs playing on pandora, and nothing on your body hurts. Today was one of those days and I got the best workout I've had in a while. IGF...
  13. TravisBLKMACH

    MC IGF1-LR3 Log and Review

    Thanks man, currently I'm on IGF and test (500/wk) and I may back that down to 400 because I'm starting to break out again. I'm 5'11" and holding at 193. I have very little fat except for my love handles. Hardest part to get rid of, unless I get below 10%.
  14. TravisBLKMACH


    More chicken! Ha ha maybe try some different ways to season it or cook it. Throw it in a croc pot for the day with some BBQ sauce. And it's really tender and juicy by dinner time. lean ground beef, steak, I even do the frozen pre cooked salmon patties you can throw in the microwave.
  15. TravisBLKMACH

    MC IGF1-LR3 Log and Review

    Ok guys, I'm a little behind on my log it's been a very busy last couple weeks. I've been diligent with my workouts and consistent on my dosage, and diet has for the most part stayed the same. So with the IGF being the only variable added in, so far I have kept the same weight while eating the...
  16. TravisBLKMACH

    MC IGF1-LR3 Log and Review

    Day 15 - CHEST AND SHOULDERS Beginning week 3. Weight is a staying about the same. I don't know if this is in my head or not, or but my appetite has increased and I have had a lot more carbs without gaining any weight. Today going into my workout my joints were hurting so I originally thought...
  17. TravisBLKMACH

    2 year transformation!!!

    Now THAT is dedication!! Great job brother!
  18. TravisBLKMACH

    MC IGF1-LR3 Log and Review

    Ha ha thanks guys. They are 16 when relaxed. Between 17-18 when pumped and flexed. If they could only stay that way all the time...
  19. TravisBLKMACH

    MC IGF1-LR3 Log and Review

    Day - 12 ARMS Today everything seems to be coming together and I'm looking tighter and leaner. Another progress pic, and although this is post workout with pump in full swing, I notice my shoulders and midsection leaning out. Workout: Superset - Barbell curls with pressdowns 12 10 8 6...
  20. TravisBLKMACH

    MC IGF1-LR3 Log and Review

    DAY 11 - ABS AND CARDIO Nothing much to report today except for EVERYTHING HURTS. More pain today pinning in the abdomen too. I don't think it's pip, it's more of the effects of the IGF. Been eating clean all week for the most part. Today was just a 2 mile run and some various an exercises.