MC IGF1-LR3 Log and Review

UPDATE - Week 5

Some days you just have those days where the planets align, you've had a good
nights sleep, your diet is spot on, you have all your favorite songs playing on pandora, and nothing on your body hurts. Today was one of those days and I got the best workout I've had in a while. IGF in the tri's and arms are looking huge. I even had someone comment to me that my calves looked bigger. My weight is still the same but I feel great and look like I've put on more muscle.
Are u pinning IM with the 6mm pins???
Mine or 50 units and same length didn't try IM yet cause of that.
And going at 3 line mark should be ×20 to give me 60mcg right???

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UPDATE - Week 5

Some days you just have those days where the planets align, you've had a good
nights sleep, your diet is spot on, you have all your favorite songs playing on pandora, and nothing on your body hurts. Today was one of those days and I got the best workout I've had in a while. IGF in the tri's and arms are looking huge. I even had someone comment to me that my calves looked bigger. My weight is still the same but I feel great and look like I've put on more muscle.
That is igf for you. And it will just keep getting better

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Feeling really good from the IGF, and was planning on only running for 6 weeks, but I think in may continue on for another 6 weeks. Any thoughts?

I plan to do some measurements this week, workouts have been solid, but my diet has suffered this week. (Isn't that always the hardest part?) I didn't get enough protein in (I like to get 250-300 grams per day) and had way too many bad carbs this week. I also noticed my sugar levels dropping really low when fasted or on an empty stomach, something I assume has to do with the insulin like effects from IGF.
Feeling really good from the IGF, and was planning on only running for 6 weeks, but I think in may continue on for another 6 weeks. Any thoughts?

I plan to do some measurements this week, workouts have been solid, but my diet has suffered this week. (Isn't that always the hardest part?) I didn't get enough protein in (I like to get 250-300 grams per day) and had way too many bad carbs this week. I also noticed my sugar levels dropping really low when fasted or on an empty stomach, something I assume has to do with the insulin like effects from IGF.

Bro, I started seeing my best Gains from IGF-1 lr3 around week 7, so im all for it! And I don't say week 7 because your at week 6 thinking about continuing lol, but rather you can find numerous posts by me stating exactly what I said, my best gains really started hitting at week 7, which is why I always an igf-1 lr3 for many months before breaking, of course if money allowed me to that is lol.
Bro, I started seeing my best Gains from IGF-1 lr3 around week 7, so im all for it! And I don't say week 7 because your at week 6 thinking about continuing lol, but rather you can find numerous posts by me stating exactly what I said, my best gains really started hitting at week 7, which is why I always an igf-1 lr3 for many months before breaking, of course if money allowed me to that is lol.

Ok, I'm just finishing my second bottle, so I have 2 more bottles which should carry me to 12 weeks. I have only been taking it on workout days and taking the weekends off.
Very good log bro! Great read. I read in your posts you are pinning in your calfs. Would you recommend to a newbie to pin in there calf? I've read many people pinning other chemicals in there calfs and they say not to. IGF is okay to pin in calf?
Very good log bro! Great read. I read in your posts you are pinning in your calfs. Would you recommend to a newbie to pin in there calf? I've read many people pinning other chemicals in there calfs and they say not to. IGF is okay to pin in calf?

Yeah man you're good to pin IGF with an insulin needle in your calf. I wouldn't be pinning my test there! �� lol
UPDATE -2-20-17 WEEK 8

After 8 weeks of test only (400mg weekly) and IGF (60 mcg daily), I did some measurements. Everything stayed the same including weight EXCEPT arms - where I gained half inch, and calves, where I gained 1 inch. Very excited about those numbers! To gain a half inch and inch in both those areas in an 8 week time frame is incredible. Those were the 2 areas I wanted to see progress the most, and also where I happened to pin the most.

I am continuing on with the IGF , but going forward I am also adding in Tren Ace and Equip which will be the first time for both...If I don't see gains after this I give up lol

I am continuing on with the IGF , but going forward I am also adding in Tren Ace and Equip which will be the first time for both...If I don't see gains after this I give up lol
U have been on 500 test a while bro.
Before adding those are u gonna donate blood or get your hemoglobin hematocrit checked?
Eq can increase red blood even more.
And staying on 500 test in a year will cause a build up at your age.
Also sometimes gains will stop unless u go to a lower cruise dose for while. Like 150 a wk at most. If not it gets to a point that gear is only maintaining things that can be maintained with less for a bit.

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U have been on 500 test a while bro.
Before adding those are u gonna donate blood or get your hemoglobin hematocrit checked?
Eq can increase red blood even more.
And staying on 500 test in a year will cause a build up at your age.
Also sometimes gains will stop unless u go to a lower cruise dose for while. Like 150 a wk at most. If not it gets to a point that gear is only maintaining things that can be maintained with less for a bit.

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yeah I backed down to 400 test per week about a month ago. After I finish this run with tren and equip I will go back to 200 per week. I get blood work done about every 6 months with my TRT Dr, and I am due to see him at the end of this month.
yeah I backed down to 400 test per week about a month ago. After I finish this run with tren and equip I will go back to 200 per week. I get blood work done about every 6 months with my TRT Dr, and I am due to see him at the end of this month.
I have an issue I have to do phlebotomy with trt dr order as often as every 3 weeks or as needed. Never can go longer than 6 weeks ago couple times here and there, it sucks but...
I grow after backing test down to 100mg per wk for 8 weeks
Last cruise I ran osta and was all good.
I ran it to blood work but only 4 weeks total.
All blood work was good so next cruise I will do lgd and osta thru bloods.
The less gear and longer time at low trt the better gains for later.
I am now comfortable staying on osta for longer periods thru bloods for trt.
Like 8-12 weeks after good labs with it!
And I had only been off tren a finishing long blast for 4 weeks before bloods

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Bumping up customer reviewing igf-1 lr3 from MC STORE! With photos to show great progress and hard work pays off!
we could use some new reviews from anyone currently using our products! I am bumping up some old reviews on our IGF-1 lr3 and were currently fully stocked and ready to go