All right, gents, I’ve been able to add some cardio, but I’m having to do it early in the morning and I’m not really motivated that early in the morning but at least I’m getting the cardio in, I’m stopping at exactly 30 minutes and no more. I’m sure that my Heart will thank me for that later. A couple guys asked me for the macros on my meals for the next two months, with the exception of Thanksgiving, where I’m gonna eat an entire pumpkin pie and then probably throw up for an hour and probably again at Christmas. I’m gonna be doing the Chicken breast, or lean red meat, or buffalo hamburger for the protein in my cooked meals. I’m sticking with the brown and wild rice mix, and the mixed vegetables and I’ve added extra green beans to the mix. Mostly because I had a 5 pound bag of green beans from Costco that I need to get through. I’m sticking with those proteins, because I had some fish in the mix, but I was producing farts that were going to end in a divorce. So I took the fish out and I’ll just stick with the chicken beef and buffalo.
Macros (approx but very close) for each real food meal:
50g protein
30g carbs
9g fat
So calories/ meal are about 400-450 calories.
Fiber is high, but depends on which veggies came out of the bag.
I have 2 of the real food meals/day and the other 2-3 meals are high quality protein shakes. Either whey or bovine protein. I’ve added MCT oil to the shakes to get the fat up. That brings the calories up to about 350 calories/shake.
Since my goal is to put on size, it appears that I am awfully short on calories. Any suggestions are appreciated. I’ve noticed that anything sugary just makes me hungrier. I got one buddy that puts a scoop of ice cream in his protein shakes. That kind of stuff just keeps me hungry all day long so I’ve taken the sugar out. So over the last seven years, I’ve lost 100 pounds of fat. So I am not in any hurry to put fat back on. If I’ve got to grow muscle a little slower to avoid looking like a fat bastard with big arms I’ll do it. I’ll be 60 years old at the end of December and I don’t lose weight like most of the guys in their 20s and 30s.
Also, somebody asked for a photo of my gear. Not really sure why but if it’s OK I’m gonna post a picture of it. Let me know if it’s not OK to post pictures of your gear. The euro pharmacies from PSL are really doing me righteous.
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By the way, the Tren is for next year. They were just having a really good sale so I picked it up. I’ve got more testosterone on the way. I didn’t put most of the Test that I’ve got in the photo. Don’t know why.