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  1. R

    is this girl hitting on me...?

    Hell with the bar,all she wants is alcohal and a good pounding..........Invite her to your place,give her a drink and make her a dinner she wont forget then more drinks and so on,then ask her if she still wants to go to the bar,by now she'll be primed up and you dont have to go anywhere except...
  2. R

    Tips For Less Painful Injections

    Nice post,learn a new trick everyday!
  3. R

    test enan and d-bol cycle?

    Id also run dbol towards the end to squeez a little more out of your cycle,as far as your next one I'd go along with Dbol/test/Eq run the bol at 30mg,the test/eq dose a little higher than what your on now,Mid cycle I've heard guys say to bump the test up higher yet for a few injects to flood...
  4. R


    I take it you didnt do source checks, or did a FRIEND hook u up?
  5. R

    What happened to the fina forum?

    Look at Chems site as ONE stop shopping,Order and answer questions.
  6. R

    synovex kit from resarchkits

    although I've only used their Fina kit you can go to their new site and I believe there are directions there register as a member and its all at your fingertips.
  7. R

    Pets and AS

    There was a thread similar to this at another board and the bro was leanen towards putting his dog on AS cause he thought it would be cool,,,,,He was met with some heavy resistance,my dog had some major surgery and the vet put him on mild dose to IMPROVE HIS HEALTH and QUALITY OF LIFE after this...
  8. R

    What would you use to

    LMAO,,,,,,,,Butt plug w/a slow release valve,,,,,,Bawaaaaaaa
  9. R

    making home gym

    Sears,shit falls apart or isnt suited for heavy weight,,,,,I picked up some gym closed equip. for less than $500, look around and watch the papers.:D
  10. R

    Body hair question...

    Bros my wife came across this,its called epil-stop&foam sport for men This stuff is the first thing I've been able to use that dose'nt burm or leave me with a rash or redness,,,this shiot is the greatest,,,she picked it up at Wallgreens for $15.95 You get 2 4oz bottles of...
  11. R

    For those who are at work, behind a desk

    I sat in a desk at school today,now Im at the library waisting time,,.or having fun!
  12. R

    2 Tests at once or switch midway thru?

    I would only stick with one,,,unless you like pimples.
  13. R


    I always do the opposite that Im told,,,,,Its my nature to go against the grain!! hehehe
  14. R

    Hello everyone and Fitness Board member call

    Present,and accounted for.
  15. R

    cops paid a visit to my house

    WTF happened to the time when parents sat down and had a straight up heart to heart talk,,,,,thats how I was brought up and thats what I practise with my teens now! Sorry to hear of your pending troubles,hope it works out.
  16. R


    Go figure,,,thats F'd up!!
  17. R

    wow... another death..

    Grand parents are very special to all of us ,,,,SORRY for your loss.
  18. R is gone for good!

    I also started at F/B and then migrated here,didnt post much as of lately too much BS,,,,,,time to move in here and call this Home! A lot of good and careing Bros here.:D Scammers and Hackers are the same in my book,,,,,stand em up and knock em down,,,,,,HARD:mad:
  19. R

    How many sets per muscle

    Compound movements,low reps to failure,cycled between higher reps every 3rd week, 9-12 total sets,Intensity not Volume=MORE MASS thats what works for me,too much work to failure leads to sore joints and injury=time off and lost gains, every ones got a system that works for them but may not be...
  20. R

    who does bis and tris same day

    I also rotate and change as to always keep the body or muscle in a state of confusion makes for non-stop gains !