Tips For Less Painful Injections

After the juice is loaded into the syringe you remove the bubbles by pushing a small amount thru the pin. A small bead appears at the tip. Let this bead run down the pin while twisting the syringe allowing the juice to lubricate the pin. Do it again with another bead. The pin is now "oiled" and slides into the injection site with less effort and pain. When the injection hurts a couple of hours afterward, it could mean there was tissue damage during the injection--moving the pin instead of holding it steady. Take a Tylenol and do better next time.

Ditto on the pin lubrication, and I'll also add that as your body becomes accustomed to the newly introduced substances, the pain will lessen....until then, load up on the ibuprofin or naproxin sodium...
i need a tip on less painfull liquid clomid consumption. the after taste is by far the worst thing i have ever in my life tasted!!!! somone said they use gel caps. but where do you get them?
You can order empty gel caps from or Also injecting the clomid into a grape would work.
I always do it standing up on my quads. I experianced a lot of pain with TTokyo sust. Has anyone else had this experience?