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  1. squidfarken

    Squidfarkens journey from fat blowfish into something vaguely sexy haha

    Knocked out a Pb on squats today! 140kg x 3 fairly happy with that haha! Only 40 more kg to go to hit my squat target of 180 for reps. Definitely feel it's achievable within another couple months. Also watched some of calum Von moger's vids and started doing bent over bicep curls, definitely...
  2. squidfarken

    Weird dbol pumps

    On what else presser?
  3. squidfarken

    Weird dbol pumps

    Does anyone else get random pumps in weird muscles while on dbol? I was just eating a sandwich earlier and was getting pump in my jaw muscles haha Anyone else get that or am I just a weird fucker?
  4. squidfarken

    Squidfarkens journey from fat blowfish into something vaguely sexy haha

    Just bashed out another arms sesh. Superset curls tri extensions and forearms. Warm-up Tri extensions 40kg x 20 reps Curls 12.5kg x 20 reps Forearm weight on a dowel extensive x2 Work sets Bi's 12.5 10 Tris 55x10 Forearms x1 down n up Bi's 15x10 Tris 65x8 Forearms x1 Bi's 17.5x8 Tris...
  5. squidfarken

    Guys who say they fuck for over an hour are

    Have fucked for an hour on quite a few occasions. Best was 3 hours on and off while on x. Nowadays 10-15 mins is usual sometimes 30-40 depending on our mood lol. Oh and whether we get the bloody kids banging on the bedroom door haha #parentlyf
  6. squidfarken

    Concerns after pinning...

    I get that from sus250. Ibuprofen works. Heat bag as well. Also try splitting the dose into different injection sites. It's more pins but less inflammation. I split up my 1ml into a quad into half ml into each quad and feels heaps better.
  7. squidfarken

    Squidfarkens journey from fat blowfish into something vaguely sexy haha

    Actually on 150mcg clen and 70mcg of t3 atm, is going well. I've loosened up my diet a bit, still eating pretty clean except over this weekend just gone. Oops lol. Back into clean eating again this week. Feeling pretty good about the changes I've made and results so far. On track for a decent...
  8. squidfarken

    Squidfarkens journey from fat blowfish into something vaguely sexy haha

    Haha all or nothing brutha :-D Was just going to run dbol until I run out of caps, I'd have 3-4 weeks left at 2/7 days a week. No worries bro I'll try a week of 0.5 mg a day and see how sides go. Letro is supposed to be pretty powerful as far as Ai goes yeah? Had my sisters wedding on the...
  9. squidfarken

    Squidfarkens journey from fat blowfish into something vaguely sexy haha

    Sorry I've been a bit slack with the updates lately lads and ladettes, been flat out with work, gym and home life lol. Currently on 4th week of 750mg/week sus250 and 2nd week of 20mg dbol caps. Doing 2 caps a day Monday to Friday atm, should I just do them 7 days a week instead? Definitely...
  10. squidfarken

    16 Week Test and Dbol Cycle log.

    I'm on my 4th week of my cycle atm Dean. 750mg/week sus250, started dbol caps last week, 2 caps a day 5 days a week for 4-6 weeks. Getting a bit of itchy nips every now and then, I have oral letro 2.5mg/ml. How often ya reckon I should dose? Only when sides come up or take a steady low dose...
  11. squidfarken

    sus pip... am I being a Lil bitch?

    Pinned a ml into my delts last week, it was bruised up like fuckery. That may have been because I was using u100 insulin pins at the time. Last time I take pinning advice from a diabetic lol. Used big boy needles this week and still in a fair amount of pain. Someone call me a wahhhmbulance!
  12. squidfarken

    sus pip... am I being a Lil bitch?

    Yeah I've already found another source. Will try 2 half ml injections instead of 1 full ml next week and if that doesn't help then I'll try my new sources gear and sell this stuff off cheap.
  13. squidfarken

    sus pip... am I being a Lil bitch?

    Syntha labs ugl, test prop, phenylprop, isocaproate and decanoate. It'd be the prop that's fucked hey? Can send pics via wikr, uploading on here is annoying me atm
  14. squidfarken

    sus pip... am I being a Lil bitch?

    Yeh presser it's 4 test blend from syntha labs. Test prop, phenylprop, isocaproate and decanoate. It'd be the test prop that's killing me yeah? I really cbf uploading a pic right now lol. Pinning into my quad, add me on wikr if you want pics.
  15. squidfarken

    sus pip... am I being a Lil bitch?

    Hey peeps how ya all going? I'm 2 week into sus250 and dbol cycle, pinning 1ml sus every m,w,F. Dunno if I'm just a big pussy or not but getting some pretty hectic pip about 10 hrs after I jab. Using 3ml syringe and 23g needle. Jab is absolutely fine and I've been studying where and how to jab...
  16. squidfarken

    Recovering from Night Shift

    Know your pain guys, I work standard 10 hour shifts at my work with OT tacked on regularly to cover machine failures etc. Actually reading this while lying in bed trying to find motivation to get up and go to gym. Doesn't help when I get broken sleep due to kids waking up 3 hours after I go to...
  17. squidfarken

    Squidfarkens journey from fat blowfish into something vaguely sexy haha

    I don't think it is research chems. It's syntha labs oral liquid. Tastes like boiled water lol.
  18. squidfarken

    Squidfarkens journey from fat blowfish into something vaguely sexy haha

    Cycled off clen atm, was taking 165 mcg a day and sides were disappearing. Will cycle back on in a couple weeks. I lost 4 kg overall and definitely have leaned out a bit. Weight is starting to go back up but still leaning out now. Started sus 250 cycle on Friday and feeling good right now :D