16 Week Test and Dbol Cycle log.

Gyno flare up was annoying! Plus the puffy nips from the progestin.

I placed an icepack on each nipple and held it there alternating while I was watching a movie and the swelling went way down.

I upped my AI and added 30mg a day of Nolva.
Just skimmed through your thread, I sincerely hope that you worked out whatever issue was causing trouble in your marriage. It's a stress that is very hard to deal with ok cycle. Best of luck brother, I hope you hit your goals!
Wifey had to jump on Zoloft but everything is fine now. Thanks for the concern.

Yeah stress can really catch up with you.

Thank you for the support and for reading my log.
FL Tren E

800 wk Test C
600 Deca
600 Tren E

Weight 175 on the dot, with significant fat reduction. Night seats have already kicked in. I think it will be no problem to be a very lean 183 and temp cut to 165 for weigh in with Tren E.
What got you into dlift competition? I guess where I live it's pretty lame lol. I'm lucky to even have a gym in town
What got you into dlift competition? I guess where I live it's pretty lame lol. I'm lucky to even have a gym in town

I am really comfortable deadlifting and I am able to do it frequently so I really enjoy it. I am more built for the squat, and that will be my next endeavor but I need a good squat rack first.

At the moment I am still trying to get my necessary gear together like shoes and singlet and entrance fees. I thought about a gofundme or whatever but I am hesitant on that.


Go to this site and you can find powerlifting meets near you.


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I am at 168 lbs in this these pics and at the moment. No Fluctuation. I really impressed myself with my vertical leap.

I hope to get a few front pics up . I just have such shitty lighting here.
Hate to say it but your dbol had to be bunk you were taking up to 80mg & didn't even gain any water weight

Well I took the Dbol almost 4 months ago so I would hope I would not still have the water weight. If you read the log you would know that I peaked at 187 and then was slowing cutting back down to make weight for a plifting comp.

Thanks for the comment though.
Well I took the Dbol almost 4 months ago so I would hope I would not still have the water weight. If you read the log you would know that I peaked at 187 and then was slowing cutting back down to make weight for a plifting comp.

Thanks for the comment though.
well see that's the thing i read the whole thread & during the time you took the dbol I didn't see you post a increase in body weight. it looked like you stayed around your initial weight of 178
well see that's the thing i read the whole thread & during the time you took the dbol I didn't see you post a increase in body weight. it looked like you stayed around your initial weight of 178

Well if you look at the graph you can clearly see the data. Instead of constantly adding weight numbers I put the graph. It is clear where the Dbol spikes in weight are. At least to me anyways. I guess you can pick apart and scrutinize my log if you want.

The whole point of tracking weight anyways for me to make weight at the meet. It is not the purpose of the cycles, to gain weight, it was part. I tried to keep bloat off the whole time, which I highly recommend, I would rather take dbol and get the euphoria and strength gains without the water, maybe just me though.
I'm on my 4th week of my cycle atm Dean. 750mg/week sus250, started dbol caps last week, 2 caps a day 5 days a week for 4-6 weeks.
Getting a bit of itchy nips every now and then, I have oral letro 2.5mg/ml. How often ya reckon I should dose? Only when sides come up or take a steady low dose?
Are you pleased with your results of your cycle? I'm impressed with mine so far. Decent strength increase and size is going up too for me ��