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  1. plhorse

    Wayyyyy OFF topic--- SCI-FI shiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhttt

    Totally possible there's life on other planets out there, somewhere. Much less of a possibility that they have the ability or the interest to come over here and fuck with us haha Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  2. plhorse

    Delusion and Reality of Your Juicing.

    This is very good! You addressed all the important caveats of muscle building, with or without PEDs. I think it's also important to stress patience. Muscle building takes time, and I've met quite a few guys who just don't want to wait and get on steroids right away, to their detriment. Sent...
  3. plhorse

    But we're just meatheads

    He does a good job of acting like a meathead, then. He's a better actor than we give him credit for! Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  4. plhorse

    Tren is bad for the brain

    Is there a link to the study? The thing about mice studies is the effects don't always carry over to humans. That's why you hear about successful possible treatments for illnesses that never actually make it to the pharmacy; it may work on rats/mice or in Petrie dishes but not on humans...
  5. plhorse

    The Uncertain Olympic Future for Trans and Intersex Athletes

    None of my trans friends are athletes, so perhaps you're right.
  6. plhorse

    The Uncertain Olympic Future for Trans and Intersex Athletes

    I have many trans friends and from my experience, at least for those who are mtf, the hormone therapy pretty much negates any muscular advantage they would have as a male competing in a female sport. They lose a lot of muscle mass, and their body composition changes too. I think it would be...
  7. plhorse

    New powerlifter on the block

    34 Around 205lbs at the moment 6 feet Not sure, probably around 20%
  8. plhorse

    New powerlifter on the block

    I compete in the 90kg/198lb weight class. Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  9. plhorse

    New powerlifter on the block

    Oh yeah! I just finished a PR week. Current numbers are: 370lb squat 290lb bench 495lb deadlift My end of year goals are: 425 squat 320 bench 540 deadlift Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  10. plhorse

    Foam Rolling???

    I usually foam roll only if I'm especially sore. It helps a lot in reducing DOMS!
  11. plhorse

    New powerlifter on the block

    I'm 34! I originally began bodybuilding, actually. But to be honest, I just don't have the discipline to get incredibly ripped for the stage. At least in powerlifting, they don't care how you look as long as you can heft massive amounts of weight, haha.
  12. plhorse

    New powerlifter on the block

    I began lifting about 5 years ago, and competing in the last two. For me, this is a lifelong journey that I hope won't end until I'm dead haha. Next year, I am confident that I will start winning competitions. I found this site while looking for lifting/bodybuilding forums in tapatalk. I'm not...