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  1. M

    No side effects on Clen?

    Team So I am 4 days into my latest cycle and onto 80mg this morning and I am not suffering any side effects at all, no shakes, headaches, cramps etc I suffered quite a bit on my first cycle which was well over 6 months ago and I get the feeling ive brought the worlds most expensive tic tacs lol...
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    Loss of Energy and Always tired

    Yeah I actually found a thread from 3J asking ro questions after I posted this one, All sorted
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    The ask 3J anything thread!!! Q & A with 3J

    Just a clen cycle mate, nothing else! no shakes, headaches, cramps or any side efects yet either, 3rd day today and at 60mg
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    The ask 3J anything thread!!! Q & A with 3J

    Mate I asked you a question earlier but ill ask here as well as I didnt see this thread beforehand, Im running on a macros of about 250p, 150-200c, 50 fat which is about 2250 calories a day and am 2 days into a 2 week clen cycle, should I change up my nutrion to suit? Not sure if you need to...
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    need Clen advice for cutting

    Presser Excuse my ignorance but but what and how does the ECA stack work? Matt
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    Loss of Energy and Always tired

    Mate, if you dont mind me asking and it sounds like you know your stuff, Can eating in to much of a deficit actually work backwards in regards to weight loss? Im curious as Ive just started a cut and I am sitiing on about 250 protein, 200 carbs and 50 fats which is 2250 calories!
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    Loss of Energy and Always tired

    mate, I was very similiar in diet and the clen dosage and actually lost strength over a few cycles and after wearing a monitor for a day at work and the gym, I was burning around 4000 cals some days but barely eating 2300 - 2500! And it was my fitness pal that sorted that for me. I upped my cals...
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    Just a Newbie saying G'day

    I was making some serious strength gains before my first cycle and really lost strength and endurance afterwards, part of the reason I havent cycled again until now, but It may have also been my diet and me being unaware that i wasnt eating as much as I though and being affected also by cycling...
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    Just a Newbie saying G'day

    Awesome mate, thanks for the info, appreciate it
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    Clenbuterol FAQ. How to cycle Clen and Clen Side Effects and Doses

    Yeah they are about the same size, I started on 20mg this morning and havent noticed any side effects at all so ill hit 40 tomorrow and se how i go
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    Clenbuterol FAQ. How to cycle Clen and Clen Side Effects and Doses

    Guys Quick question, My new clen packet say that its 60mcg per tablet but my previous packet said 20mcg per tab, Does this sound right that the new tab can be 3 x stronger? Matt
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    Benefits of Clenbuteral Build Muscle & Burn Fat at the Same Time

    That was an awesome read and i actually found out something i hadnt found before regarding muscle loss!
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    Just a Newbie saying G'day

    Thankes everyone, glad to be here! Well Ive been weight training for about 3.5 years after playing footy and racing motocross came to an and when my "what i wanted to do" and "what i can actually do" got confused, resulting in some serious knee damage, 6 months off work and a very crabby wife...
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    Just a Newbie saying G'day

    Hey Team Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself, I'm a 39 yr old guy who used to make fun of gym junkies and Im now addicted myself, plus I have an 8 yr old to chase around. About to hit up my second clen cycle using everything i learned in the first cycle to hopefully lose some weight and...