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    Tren E

    have previously done test e tren e anavar and winstrol, strength went up and made good lean gains over the 12 weeks but for the past while iv changed to using short esters with 1-2 orals and short cycles of 6-8 weeks 8 weeks max but this was the 12 week cycle i done weeks 1-6 Test E 750mg/wk...
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    Nandrolone Phenyl Propionate (NPP) Cycles Well with Anavar, EQ, Deca, Dbol.

    was thinking about running a test npp tren ace for 8-10 weeks weeks 1-10 test prop 450mg/week npp 300mg/week tren ace 300mg/week adex 0.5mg/eod caber 0.25mg mon&thurs
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    for cut iv had great results with this 300mg/week test prop 300mg/week tren ace 300mg/week injectable winstrol
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    Im not 100% sure as i cant find info on it but i do know that its to build lean mass and that test and eq are the main compounds used current cycle to build mass weeks 1-4 sustanon 750mg/week deca 600mg/week dbol 50mg/ed slin start at 2iu post workout taper up to 10iu over Week 1 hgh 2iu/ed...
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    I know diet is key as i have plenty of expeience with drugs and contest prep as i do compete all my diet plans get sent to me by my trainer who works with some of the best bodybuilders
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    Bodenone (EQ) Stacks WELL With Nandrolone (DECA) in Steroid Cycle.

    Proviron was good to help harden the gains and reduce the bloat as for AI 1mg adex eod
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    Am currently on a mass blast of sustannon deca dbol slin hgh. Then i will cruise for 8 weeks then goal is build lean mass last lean mass i done turned out well but mostly looking to see if anyone has run the powerhouse cycle and had success as i cant find info on it
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    Anyone ever done the powerhouse steroid cycle as iv had a few people talkabout it but i cant find any info on whats in the stack etc if anyone has what was your results
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    Bodenone (EQ) Stacks WELL With Nandrolone (DECA) in Steroid Cycle.

    Test Cyp, Eq, deca, Anadrol, Proviron, Slin, HGH cycle done last year Weeks 1-2 test cyp 750mg/week Eq 500mg/week Deca 300mg/week Anadrol week1 50mg/ed week2 75mg/ed proviron 50mg/ed Humalin R start week 2 2iu post workout hgh 2iu mon-fri weeks 3-5 test cyp 1000mg/week Eq 750mg/week deca...
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    Test insulin hgh blast

    goal is to make it into ukbff and get out of the nabba and if you want to do something you never done before you got to be willing to do something iv never done before so gotto be willing to do whatever it takes
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    Test insulin hgh blast

    Made a small typo over the 8 weeks 18lbs of muscle was put on but a total of 23lbs was put on due to the aditional fat i gained ill change the mistake and yes he died using insulin he startded doing 10iu breakfast 10iu lunch 10iu post workout 1 week before we didnt hear from him and he was found...
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    Test insulin hgh blast

    The cycle i done was only for a short 8 weeks insulin used was eli lilly humalog(fast acting insulin) starting weight 212lb at 10% bf within the 8 weeks i gained 18lbs of quality muscle but a total of 23 lbs including fat and my bodyfat went up to 13% even though i found insulin very effective...
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    What Lean Mass cycle is best

    Presser i can see where your confusion is the dose is 400mg/week i will inject 200mg on mon & thurs for the 12 week cycle the 16 week cycle is 600mg/week 200mg/eod M/W/F
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    What Lean Mass cycle is best

    So should i increase the dose from 600mg/week to 800 900/week?
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    What Lean Mass cycle is best

    Will let you know on how eq works for me but this cycle plan is for next year just chose these anabolics dbol as low dose kicker eq stacked with tren for better lean gains and With previous experience with tren got vascular as hell and anavar to help maintain mass while leaning out
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    What Lean Mass cycle is best

    I have 2 cycles im trying to choose from both contain the same anabolics but the duration is different and im wondering what one is best for getting ready for the summer i have done 4 previous steroid cycles first one was just test cyp for 10weeks second cycle was test prop tren ace and anavar...