Tren E

Just keep eye on bp and anxiety with that feeling. I had to warn u because of my experience. Alot of what I have realized is getting older I can't handle the things that I used to. I stay in shape all the time I can do anything physically I always did. I have realized I guess that I am getting older and somethings my body has trouble with now. I wanna add that I also take adderall for adhd this may contribute to my reaction with tren e but it hasn't with anything else.
Just keep eye on bp and anxiety with that feeling. I had to warn u because of my experience. Alot of what I have realized is getting older I can't handle the things that I used to. I stay in shape all the time I can do anything physically I always did. I have realized I guess that I am getting older and somethings my body has trouble with now. I wanna add that I also take adderall for adhd this may contribute to my reaction with tren e but it hasn't with anything else.

Thankfully, even with moderate AAS usage....even on Tren A, my bp has always ran below 120/80 resting, which is great. Cardiovascular training has a ton to do with that. The more you work your heart, the better your bp can be.

I am grateful for the advice my friend!
Imo sticking with ace would be better, I know you said the pinning but running higher doses of e could bring on more sides and those sides sticking around longer. You can always pin before or after your shower. These are just my 2¢. If it isn't broke don't fix it.

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Sitll no sides from 600mg/week of tren e and 400mg/week of test cyp

Besides normal tren aggression, but i enjoy that.

No night sweats, well maybe a slight bit, but i keep my room quite cold, so I tend to fight those off with that anyway. A very slight bit of increased acne, but not crazy amounts at all.

I know the source I"m using is legit too.

My buddy gets so pissed at me bc I have so few sides when it comes to gear.
Does anyone else here just not have sides with most compounds? Even when I use letro, i don't feel like crap like most other people do. Honestly a letro or two a week makes me feel great.
On sides tren e used to not give them to me either. Nothing else does much that bothers me. A little water bloat from deca, dbol too. But nothing in terms of what tren e started to do. I take letro but never have taken more than 2.5 in a week even on heavy blast
What is funny is until I was around 35 in am 40 now tren e didn't bother me.
It is just so strange though. I feel strong as the hulk, as alpha at iron man and cpt america put together, as horny as the fury of a thousand post puberty little boys, and yet no sides. Maybe there really is something to running tren higher than test.
It is just so strange though. I feel strong as the hulk, as alpha at iron man and cpt america put together, as horny as the fury of a thousand post puberty little boys, and yet no sides. Maybe there really is something to running tren higher than test.

If everything is aligned right I used to not have problems. Like I mentioned the stress of life and more responsibility with having a grandchild, having Daughter and having to worry about the guy she is with not treating her right, my kids range from 19---3 the strain of not having a bigger home all of those things make stress higher than it used to be. These things with in laws always talking shit and wife can't help but to act like her family who influences her time to time. I am only man in their family who isn't a drunk or pill heads. So they go after me for what they accuse me of. Because I am I shape and have muscle, it's steroids because I get mad like everyone else I am so scary. I have told them I am scared of people who are musclur compared to nerds with a beer and a gut. Those things right there are what can make it tough being in tren e. It's not the compound itself it's the circumstances that can intensity high blood pressure, irritableness, and mood swings. Tren is a good compounds but it can cause some problems especially if your life is like mine can be. Having that aggressive feeling with anything that androgenic makes me too stressed irritable and everything's gets to me on tren e. What makes it tough is someone could have a prefect life and shit can always happen or get intense this is the caution that should be noted because on tren e these things can be intense.
Tren E is treating this guy so damn well, its crazy!!!

Body fat is just melting off 8)

- - - Updated - - -

Had one of my quite attractive female coworkers say to me the other day......."jake, what are you doing? Bc it's working!"
Does anyone else here just not have sides with most compounds? Even when I use letro, i don't feel like crap like most other people do. Honestly a letro or two a week makes me feel great.

Tren E is treating this guy so damn well, its crazy!!!

Body fat is just melting off 8)

- - - Updated - - -

Had one of my quite attractive female coworkers say to me the other day......."jake, what are you doing? Bc it's working!"

I don't get sides with most anything either. The only thing I've had any trouble with was dbol, and it made me nauseous at higher doses so I didn't want to eat. Other than that, I don't bloat, I don't get terribly irritable, and I don't get terrible acne. I never had trouble with acne until my doc made me come OFF my HRT to reestablish a baseline when estrogen started to take over.
I don't get sides with most anything either. The only thing I've had any trouble with was dbol, and it made me nauseous at higher doses so I didn't want to eat. Other than that, I don't bloat, I don't get terribly irritable, and I don't get terrible acne. I never had trouble with acne until my doc made me come OFF my HRT to reestablish a baseline when estrogen started to take over.

I get the worst sides from Anadrol. Almost headaches every 2days and also that blah feeling. Puts weight on and builds strength fast but feeling like crap sucks

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I don't get sides with most anything either. The only thing I've had any trouble with was dbol, and it made me nauseous at higher doses so I didn't want to eat. Other than that, I don't bloat, I don't get terribly irritable, and I don't get terrible acne. I never had trouble with acne until my doc made me come OFF my HRT to reestablish a baseline when estrogen started to take over.

Estrogen taking over on hrt is one hell of a side I sure don't get that. And what I understand estrogen doesn't cause acne dht does. Your Dr is a joke. Lol! He will get a good baseline with no testosterone ratio to estrogen. Lol
Estrogen will have to be dominant he is lucky he didn't give u

I get no sides on dbol at all not even superdrol it hardly even raises my liver enzymes I am back to normal liver in 3-4 weeks tops. But I don't take in high doses. Or longer than 4 weeks.

I don't know many people better yet none who can take 800 mg of legit tren e per week and if so either their tren is no good are they are gigantic and on verge of health issues just in denial.
I gain alot and I mean alot of lean mass with fat loss from tren a even at 50 a day.
I almost wanna ask u guys if yall tren is legit. Lol!
I have taken some tren e at high doses but I tossed the shit cause I can always tell if it's legit. It was gear alright but tested as eq.

If your tren is legit at 600 mg should be like being on 3000mg of test without estro plus prolactin. And what ever else taking with it.

Just saying, alot of tren e is eq and if u taking eq already then that can create some high red blood. I always can tell if it's tren by the irritableness it gives everyone else. And if it doesn't then u are not getting cns stimulation tren is supposed to give and I would suspect something isn't right.

I get the worst sides from taking too much ai. And on cycle values don't mean much because it's a ratio not within a normal range for people not on a cycle. Major sign of low estro is ed. And skin will get bad estro is good for skin and so is progestins they both fight dht which causes acne. But your ai will suppress the immune reaction against your zit making it less red and swollen so it will fool us into thinking it's helping and before we know it we are dealing with ed. Trens high androgenic ratio can cause acne but has been hit and miss for me.

If u guys wanna send me yall tren I can use it and at least be able to say if it's properly dosed. Lol! I am avoiding it can't be good for me. Used tren e at 400 week on stacks years ago but I used to check bp once in a blue moon and told myself everything was ok. I go to blood bank often every 3-5 weeks. Gear caused me to continue to make red blood even when off. I realized now to be more careful. But that's me though
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Thankfully, even with moderate AAS usage....even on Tren A, my bp has always ran below 120/80 resting, which is great. Cardiovascular training has a ton to do with that. The more you work your heart, the better your bp can be.

I am grateful for the advice my friend!

I work my heart good. I have excellent cardio. I do kick boxing and mma. Don't like to say everything because I would like identify concealed. I have all signs of good health only indicator that would cause high bp is stimulation of red blood that I do get. Two reasons gear use and the cardio I can do. I can last and last from my high rbc. I don't do cardio as often to gain weight but I still get it on my bag but tread mills and or the girl side of gym no. Tren affects bp thru cns stimulation not by way of having good or bad cardio it also affect lipids which mine have always been good. I am glad u having luck with tren and I used to too. But life can creap up on u. And I am glad I get affects from gear and it does what it does to most people like it should. I dont wanna take more like I am trying to drink someone under the table.

My bp is 110/60 to 70 resting heart rate 65-85
On tren it goes up to 140-150/90. Also when I am irritable and having road rage and daring someone to make a move my blood pressure goes up too but it's supposed to. But with tren highly dosed it can occur too frequently. Stress and irritableness can get to us. The tren e cycle that I abandoned the tren on was almost 7 weeks before it kicked in this way. There was alot of stress going on in my life too hard to handle without tren.
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All I can tell u is that I know 100% my tren is tren. Haha, that's all the more I can say on that. Lolol

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So I started DNP.

Just started day three.

Doing 250mg/day for week 1
Week 2 and 3 i'll be doing 500mg/day

Woot woot. Yesterday I started feeling warmer aleady, and last night I got me some increased night sweats. Haha, between tren and dnp, i'm gonna ruin my bed.
So I started DNP.

Just started day three.

Doing 250mg/day for week 1
Week 2 and 3 i'll be doing 500mg/day

Woot woot. Yesterday I started feeling warmer aleady, and last night I got me some increased night sweats. Haha, between tren and dnp, i'm gonna ruin my bed.
Have run dnp before?

Sent from my SM-S975L using Tapatalk
Estrogen taking over on hrt is one hell of a side I sure don't get that. And what I understand estrogen doesn't cause acne dht does. Your Dr is a joke. Lol! He will get a good baseline with no testosterone ratio to estrogen. Lol
Estrogen will have to be dominant he is lucky he didn't give u

Yeah, he was a jerk. Needless to say, I don't go to that doc anymore.
Day 4 of my DNP. I can definitely attribute my night sweats to the dnp now. they havne't been bad at all just with the tren, but they have definitely increased the past two nights. Looks like i'm gonna be a sweaty mess! haha.
have previously done test e tren e anavar and winstrol, strength went up and made good lean gains over the 12 weeks but for the past while iv changed to using short esters with 1-2 orals and short cycles of 6-8 weeks 8 weeks max but this was the 12 week cycle i done

weeks 1-6
Test E 750mg/wk
Tren E 400mg/wk
Anavar 50mg/ed

weeks 7-10
Test E 750mg/wk
Tren E 400mg/wk
Winstrol 60mg/ed

Weeks 11-12
Test E 750mg/wk