Tren E

So today will be day 8 of dnp. I stared 500mg on saturday. WHOLE LEE SHIIIIIIT! I"ve never sweat so much while sleeping. I used to sweat pretty good at night on tren Ace, but Tren E doesn't make me sweat a lot at night. This dnp though, I actually have to put a towel down! And even then, it still soaks through the towel! I am loving this stuff! I mean, it's a love/hate thing haha. I love that its working, but the lethargy and sweats are pretty mighty. I will tell you that if you aren't honestly ready for this stuff, and what it's gonna do, don't start it yet. Even clen/aspirin/caffeine is having a hard time keeping my energy levels up at work.
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Today is day 11 of DNP. Surviving, but I def feel the effects!

Side note, make sure you take some sort of probiotic while on this stuff. Butt squirts are no fun when you're already lethargic, lol.
I'm trying to understand why people split their doses up through the day when dnp has a 36 hour half life.

I see it so much on forums. But, doing this would almost literally do nothing when the half life is 36 hours. Am I right? Or am I wrong in this thinking.
You would be correct. If anything, taking a split dose later in the day only extends the working time in the body by a few hours.
You would be correct. If anything, taking a split dose later in the day only extends the working time in the body by a few hours.
Makes no sense to me why people swear by doing it in multiple doses. I am not sure some people understand what drug half-life is.
I haven't stepped on the scale yet, as I dont want to, lol. But My starting weight was 245. I feel more dense though.
So i guess i'll give ya'll a little update

1. I effin love Tren E and Test C together. I have never felt better. It is freaking amazing.

2. DNP is no mother effing joke. Hole lee shiiiiiit. Believe the hype, lol. I started at 245, and last night just for kicks and giggles i stepped on the scale with heavy ass boots on and just drank like a half gallon of water, lol......and I was 235.4 This would be day 13 of 21. I started to really feel denser on my second week when I upped to 500mg of DNP. Depending on how I feel at day 21, I might drop back down to 250 for one more week. 250 is very doable for me while at work, whereas 500 makes me all but useless at work, haha. I work in medicine, so I am constantly moving around and doing patient care.
Oh no! Almost done with my DNP!!!! Last day of 500 is saturday. Though, I think i may do one more week back at 250, because this shiz is amazing!!!
Are u still taking tren and test?
And if so how is tren and test conserving muscle?
Also what was your approx body fat % at start of cycle?
And where is body fat % now after being on dnp?
Are u still taking tren and test?
And if so how is tren and test conserving muscle?
Also what was your approx body fat % at start of cycle?
And where is body fat % now after being on dnp?

DNP does not waste muscle. Do a little research brother. That's not how it works. You don't need to be on cycle to use dnp.

I was about 18% when I started my cycle, and I have to see what I'm at now.

I'm going to do one more week back down at 250 to lose a little more.

I love dnp!