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  1. Lumpy

    Best movies of the far.

    I thought IT was pretty good. I laughed out loud when the fat kid ran into the clown. I was the only one laughing and maybe everyone put themself in the kids place and I was in the clowns place but it was funny. I want to see the new flatliners movie. I liked the original and this seems scarier.
  2. Lumpy

    My gym manager wear too hard core??

    If you're trying to attract new people to your gym, you need the polo shirt. The tank top dudes are already at your gym and didn't need the free pass to get there.
  3. Lumpy

    Best movies of the far.

    I love the other 2 planet of the apes. I can't wait to see the new one. I am also jonesin for the Jackie Chan one after seeing the trailer at Baby Driver. I love the average guy getting wronged and kicking ass movies like Equalizer.
  4. Lumpy

    Gym pet peeves...

    Dicks who come out of the shitter and go right to the floor without washing their hands
  5. Lumpy

    Best movies of the far.

    Everyone is different and I guess that's why they make chocalate and vanilla. I thought wonder woman was lame and baby driver was awesome.
  6. Lumpy

    Kong.. who will see it

    that looks crazy! I'm always up for a king kong movie. I liked the Jack Black one too. I watched it when I was on the couch from a meniscus surgery
  7. Lumpy

    Conor McGregor: "I Might Come Back After Christmas"

    2:35 is no act to get him to the canvas lol
  8. Lumpy

    Nate Diaz Talking Boxing, McGegor

    it woulda looked a lot better if it were due to a "slip" instead of 4 lefts haha
  9. Lumpy

    Nate Diaz Talking Boxing, McGegor

    I like Nate Diaz and loved him beating McConnor but in that second fight, McConnor hit harder and with more precision and put Nate on his ass several times. McConnor def won the second fight as much as I hate to say it.
  10. Lumpy

    List of Peptides and What they Each Do

    haha I think your phone is interpreting it differently lol
  11. Lumpy


  12. Lumpy

    Wayyyyy OFF topic--- SCI-FI shiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhttt

    the 5th dimension fascinates me and blows my mind at the same time. Did you guys see "interstellar"? I really liked it but it is heavy shit to think about
  13. Lumpy

    Time to grow

    I remember reading in a bb mag in the 80s - maybe muscular development - Lee Haney saying "consistency and intensity is the key. Never miss a workout unless you're sick." I cut it out and taped it to my boom box lol
  14. Lumpy

    Wayyyyy OFF topic--- SCI-FI shiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhttt

    you know what's weird? No one could have imagined cell phones, computers, or microwaves back then but everyone thought we'd be flying around in cars and going to the moon on a regular basis by now. who the hell knows.
  15. Lumpy

    Gym Rants

    Amen! I fuckin hate being in the zone doing lat pulldowns looking at the ceiling and some ass monkey drops the stack
  16. Lumpy

    What do you listen to at the gym?

    when I want to get amp'd I go with Metallica's Death Magnetic, Minor Threat, or Rollins
  17. Lumpy

    Wile E. Coyote's Cousin

    im calling bullshit
  18. Lumpy

    The Accountant - Ben Affect

    is this the one where he is longboarding?
  19. Lumpy

    New User - My Next Step

    Sounds like you have no problem in the motivation department. There's no way you're at 8% and can't see abs. I know skinny fuckers who have never done any exorcise that have abs cause they're under 10%. On the ab route, go high reps no weight. You don't want to build ab muscle - just develop...