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  1. D

    I switched to anadrol and...

    No orals for me. Tren is my favorite, it’s amazing.
  2. D

    Anabolics Only Cycle

    I've never used Primo. I really do like Mast. Great finisher, great sex drive, helps a bit with estro. For me Mast does a lot for a little.
  3. D

    AI or not AI, that is the question

    I don't really get worried about rebound. I like the idea of nolva and how it targets the chest. I do have and will use adex if I'm to puffy. I just had to take some. Back to good now.
  4. D

    Anabol Cycle Dosages. Anabol Profile

    I like the idea of 5mg pills. I've only ever had the 50 mg ones. I just cut them into 4 and take 3 per day. 5mg pills would make life much easier. - - - Updated - - - But yes to everything Presser posted, It works fast and well. Go get you some.
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    AI or not AI, that is the question

    I try not to use, I get enough bad sides from the gear. I do use masteron which helps a bit. I also use nolva everyday, 10mg. I never use more than 500 mg of test per week, So with those 2 I can USUALLY skip the adex. Short d-bol runsand test are the only wet gear I use.
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    Anabolics Only Cycle

    Masteron can be run at 100-200 per week. It will help control estrogen at that dose. I have used as low as 300 per week and it was still great, but I was on test and tren at the time. - - - Updated - - - 500 mg of Masteron per week, I don't think it's high. For me it's just about right for my...
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    Anabolics Only Cycle

    Yes expensive, at 100 ed it's at the end and maybe 2-3 weeks. after 50-60 ed for 3 weeks ish. I've only ever done this way once. I liked it. Not sure I would again, price and blood pressure. And blood pressure along with the tren… I did come across some blood pressure medicine. I forget the name...
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    Anabolics Only Cycle

    Yes Sir, tricky stuff Tren. Are any of you guys taking gabapentin (Nurontin) ? Since I've started taking Gabapentin My Tren sides are way, way down, I still get all of the good ones. But the bad are much easier to deal with. Just checking to see if it's just me.
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    Anabolic Steroid Brand Buyers Guide

    I can say that the last paragraph sums it up. I feel like I got very lucky. I have only ever dealt with one place. and have not been given any reason to go elsewhere. Yes pay attention, stay at one ish site. I did and I'm set. I was concerned about what prob everyone who is trusting someone they...
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    I tried to help sir. I'm at work and it will not allow the site to open. I will try when I get home.
  11. D

    Anabolics Only Cycle

    I use test cyp because I'm on trt, and I store it up. test cyp 400 ish per week tren ace 500mg per week mast 500 mg per week anavar 100 mg every day. I think mine is moderate, but its maxed out for me. I'M OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. D

    How to front load test E (testosterone enanthate)

    I always double first week dose. If I'm going to do 500 per week for how ever long. I will take Monday 500 then Thursday 500, then go to 250 every Monday and Thursday for the duration. I thought I read that on here a while back. I like it. Just start the game sooner!
  13. D

    sarms while on aas

    I do use the GW while on tren, I just never knew how valuable and helpful sarms could be when used with steroids. I'm going to look into this some more.
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    sarms while on aas

    Sorry Brother,
  15. D

    sarms while on aas

    I have never used any SARMS. S-4 , OSTA, LGD. I'm on trt, I love tren, mast, little bit of d-bol. Done 10 is cycle always use all listed. Are these SARMS going to give results anything like the aas I have listed. I've read a lot of great reviews. Is there any benefit to any of the SARMS while...
  16. D

    kidney and liver support on cycle

    I thought I read something here about this some time ago. I take tudca for my liver. What do you guys use for kidney support. Is it just a take n2 guard deal, or it there a dedicated for kidneys supplement? I take a lot of tren and have had elevated numbers, a bit elevated, not crazy high. I've...
  17. D

    tren and intermittent fasting.

    I was thinking of that. I might just do that, I hate to quit now. Thanks for the idea.
  18. D

    The Steroid Nutrition Connection by 3J

    It's true. In the past I have tried to do just that, and failed miserably!!!!!!!!!
  19. D

    tren and intermittent fasting.

    It's on the 7th of may. I called the doctor to see if he wanted another blood test, and explain the fasting part. He said he also doe IF, and is cool, so no need for another test. But somehow my PCP found out about the surgery, he called me to see how things were. He also said I must come in for...