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So not too long ago I posted a thread about dbol making me feel extremely tired and everybody said that it was the liver toxicity I had blood work done my liver enzymes were slightly elevated like they always are on orals C-17 but it wasn’t anything like ridiculous I slipped anadrol in with dbol and then eventually stop taking dbol and I feel fine for some reason that compound makes me feel tired I don’t know what it is about it but I just feel tired on it when I take it.

anadrol makes me Feel dance it makes me feel three dimensional it makes me feel really euphoric I don’t know why that is but I literally feel good I mean every once in a while I get a little bit of aggression but it’s primarily at the gym like I’ll be doing a set and I’ll feel like I should be able to get more reps and there’s like this animalistic primal feeling that rage is through me and I’ll crank out more sense than I thought were even possible like I’ll go for 10 reps and I’ll get 20 not even joking I’m serious it’s crazy. It gives me a hardening of fact a very strong one similar to tren or halo I don’t feel very wet on it I am taking an AI. I was taking test and mast but I dropped mast because the syringes that they gave me for TRT are too small to hold both of them they literally gave me a half cc syringe... So I dropped mast for the time being I ordered more syringes but they got delayed so I’m a little annoyed I’m actually going to up my dose of test from 100 a week to 500 and then I’m going to add mast back in it is actually propionate that I will be using.

But I just wanted to take a moment to say how much I love Anadrol like it’s just such a great compound for me specifically I am more vascular I’m thicker I’m a hell of a lot stronger it’s just one of my favorite orals overall I’m not really bulking hard-core outside of Thanksgiving when I ate quite a bit but I’m not eating a ton I’m about 750 to 1000 cal over maintenance nothing crazy primarily focusing on protein and a moderate set of carbs I’m trying to keep my fat low every once in a while it goes over a little bit but nothing crazy I eat a lot of chicken I actually started eating canned chicken not sure what people think about it in terms of like health issues or whatever because it’s canned I don’t know if there’s preservatives or not but I like the taste of it and it’s so convenient Sometimes I don’t cook enough chicken breast for like a week or maybe I feel like my protein intake is too low so I’ll eat a can of chicken and I really enjoy it I just make a salad out of it.

But for those of you who have never used Anadrol I highly recommend it if you feel up to taking such a toxic compound I do recommend TUDCA that’s what I’ve been using for liver as well as ALA I believe that has some help with your liver function...

it literally gives me a hardening of fact similar to mast or halo but it also seems to give me a little bit of insomnia not crazy bad but I do have a little bit of insomnia if I take my dose too late in the evening I still sleep like a champ and the insomnia is nowhere near as bad as Tren The heartburn is almost on par with tren now I can get kind of bad... I would still love to know why me and dbol don’t get along very well? I’ve taken it probably four times in my life and every time that I’ve use that I felt tired but this last time literally I felt like I was taking NyQuil or something for a pre-work out like seriously just really shitty tired and switching to Anadrol which is probably more liver toxic has actually been better I have more energy and more driven...

30mg of dbol is what i started with. Anadrol i use only 50mg above that gives me a headache assume Bp spike but I absolutely love this compound. Love to hear y’alls opinion
People would probably think I’m nuts saying this but Anadrol for me is a lot like taking var and halo Because I don’t care what anybody says I am leaner but I’m also gaining steady size and my vascularity crazy my muscles are harder and denser kind of like when I’m on halo anything else as I am more bloated I can see a little bit of water weight but I am taking water pills just over the counter nothing crazy no loop diuretics or anything crazy like that but it’s a noticeable difference I love it so much more than dbol

what’s your favorite steroid bro?
People would probably think I’m nuts saying this but Anadrol for me is a lot like taking var and halo Because I don’t care what anybody says I am leaner but I’m also gaining steady size and my vascularity crazy my muscles are harder and denser kind of like when I’m on halo anything else as I am more bloated I can see a little bit of water weight but I am taking water pills just over the counter nothing crazy no loop diuretics or anything crazy like that but it’s a noticeable difference I love it so much more than dbol

what’s your favorite steroid bro?

Mine? Well it’s hard to say. I mean test probably but that’s too easy. Winny has always been my favorite in the past but I get pretty aggressive on it normally. I think I would love halo but I’ve never tried it. I’m afraid of what I would become lol!

I love boldenone but it also gives me anxiety pretty bad which doesn’t go over with small kids around. YEAH, probably boldenone (EQ). Tren, EQ and test is the mass monster stack for me in the past. last cycle of that I went from 192 to 222 in 5 months and stayed around 215 after I discontinued it. that’s my best cycle ever to date.

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I like T-bol better, Anadrol is a great way to bump your strength & weight up, but I got water retention w it that I didn't get w T-bol, but everyone's different
I love dbol. Anadrol is great but it gives me the worst acid reflux of anything. Worse than tren even.

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I like anadrol over dbol, too. I don't really retain water from either like everyone else seems to, but anadrol works way better for me. Combining it with an anabolic like tren is awesome for me.
I have used t-bol and had good results. After reading this thread, I am getting some anadrol and going to give it a try.
Orals have never really done anything for my, even at high doses. I’m currently running winny to see if that does anything.