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  1. J

    Hypertropin biogenica rhgh

    No it is an old brand, seems it is one of the purest.
  2. J

    Hypertropin biogenica rhgh

    Did someone used this rhgh? what about it? thanks
  3. J


    yes it is! - - - Updated - - - another one - - - Updated - - - Anyway what is your toguhts?
  4. J

    IGF down and dirty

    yes i am curious to see the results. how many minutes before the gym you get igf3, do you also get carbo in the same time? thanks
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    I am reading many madical paper on the HGH, i.e. see this: everybody agree that no muscle mass gains are due to the HGH, only fatt loss due to the increase of the fatty acids in the blood as the result of the lypolisis. everybody agree that rHGH, is...
  6. J

    IGF down and dirty

    thank you very much! - - - Updated - - - Ok for the pumping!, but for the growth is better before or after the jim? according to your experience. - - - Updated - - - Is there anybody that can explain why the pumping is like this after IGF3 LR3?
  7. J

    IGF down and dirty

    Thanks, Is the slim pin the pin for insuline? Can you tell me which pin i have ti use
  8. J

    IGF down and dirty

    Good morning everybody, i ahve read all the sticky and thanks for that, it is very importanto to understand this IGF1 LR3 before to use it. I would start to use it, i am taking 4 UI daily of GH. Sorry for thr stupid question, but again i cannot take a decision how to use it: I would like to...
  9. J

    Products to stimulate thyroid. Forskolin, tyrosine etcc.

    Hello, i would like to know if somebody has experienced some medications to stimulate the thyroid functions after the usage of T4 i have read about forskolin, guggulsteron, and tyrosin what do you suggets? what dosages? thansk
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    PCT - The Why and How

    great info thanks, i would ask if the IGF1 LR3 is alone a good way to recovery or if you still suggests to go with the CLOMID NOLVADEX HCG thanks
  11. J

    What is CARDARINE??

    I think that if no one had never reported usage and results is not good to have a so high risk, i read that can cause cancer, so i think is better to avoid its use. SO it is better everybody keep away from it
  12. J

    What is CARDARINE??

    yes,but is there anybody that has tried it and obtained good results? thanks
  13. J

    What is CARDARINE??

    Hello, since i need to loose fat, i am taking hgh 4ui split and t4, i would like to know of this cardarine is really effective and if it is the case to add it thanks
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    Hgh Fragment 176-191

    from my experience is completely not useful, i read somewhere from an authority in the endocrinology taht the effects are shown only in mice sonce they have a big amount of B2 and B3 receptors, this is different in human, i tried it for a month at the proper dosage, i bought it from KLifetech...
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    New guy from Italy

    Thanks, Luca is very common name here is the name of the evangelist, and also my grandfather was called Luca. Nice to meet you.
  16. J

    New guy from Italy

    hello Muscle Meccanic, i tried to add testo propiniate for the first 2 week but the water retention Was very high with only 100 mg per week so i started nolvadex 20 a day, but does not seem to work. any Time in the past i got testo Also only 250 enathate a day i experienced very big amount of...
  17. J

    New guy from Italy

    Thanks to everybody
  18. J

    New guy from Italy

    Hello everybody, my name is Luca, i am 41 and sometimes in the past i used AAS, from 5 weeks i m in a cycle with primo and winstrol i need to loose fat, i was out from the jim for 5 years i have started also hgh 2 ui Twice a day and right diet and hard jim program. i have ordered now igf1 lr3...