Old School Cycles, Bad Ass Results, Testosterone, Deca, Anavar, and on

Iron Game

Gold Member
I’m old school, through and through!! I care nothing about looking like the next Mr. Olympia, nor am I going to put my body through all of the drugs and bullshit it takes to even try. My ideal look is that of 1970’s Mike Mentzer. Of course anabolics become part of the game, but I believe there is a happy medium with them that can allow for both good looks as well as good health.

Guys now just have it all wrong, 90% of them could achieve what they’re going for with less than half of the doses they’re using. The biggest issue people have is dieting, they have never dieted hard enough to see what they’re using is doing for them. Once diet is keyed in, then you will see the changes.

The next issue is their choice of what to use. Guys seem to think that 500mg/wk of testosterone is a beginner dose, that trend is no good unless they use 300-600mg/wk, and they pop so many orals that they could never shed the layer of fat/water to see the muscles if their life depended on it. They become their own worst enemies, and in their quest for a good physique they essentially destroy it.
I figured it out about 5-6 years ago, and since switching to this way of cycling gear I haven’t looked back. For starters, you only get one set of organs, so taking care of them is top priority. Did you know that a healthy liver burns fat at a much faster rate? Have you ever seen a competitor who looked great for a few years and then all of a sudden looked like shit? This is what I’m talking about, they are punishing their bodies to the point they actually regress, and nobody wants that.
If you’re going to use orals then my advice is to keep it brief and limit using them to once a year. I’m not a fan of dbol or anadrol, they make me feel awful and take away my appetite, and the water retention is terrible. Anavar on the other hand is mild, and can be used for periods of 8-12 weeks with very little effect on the liver.
My compounds of choice are limited to: anavar, test, deca, NPP, EQ, masteron, primobolan, proviron, and winny (ONLY if going into competition).
No trenbolone, halo, test suspension, drols, bols, sustanon (it’s not a steady release and too much water retention) amongst numerous other harsher compounds I cannot think of off the top of my head.
Now, the biggest thing you need to realize when cycling this way is your hard work and diet plays the biggest role. We aren’t looking to throw on 20-30 lbs in 8 weeks here, we are looking for smooth and steady results while not feeling like total shit. This is what you need to understand about using things in this manner. This is more of a recomposition than a sonic boom of garbage weight added on.
I keep my test low, just enough to stay anabolic in nature, not enough to cause excessive water retention, acne, and the ups and downs most go through when running higher doses. 200mg/wk works fine for me. I have not been over 200mg/wk in probably 2 years now, and I see no loss of size or definition.
Now, seeing in how I keep my testosterone doses lower, this means that there are only certain compounds I will run higher respectively. I would never run trenbolone at 500mg/wk and testosterone at 200mg/wk (not that I use it any more anyways). Something like deca or equipoise can be run higher, but not too significantly. I see nothing wrong with 300mg/wk deca alongside 200mg/wk test.
Other compounds such as primobolan or masteron can be taken up to 500mg+/wk with virtually no unwanted sides while keeping test lower. Keeping that test on the low side is key for developing a rock hard physique with nice lines and aesthetics.
[h=1]Here is my list of old school cycles for badass results:[/h]ANAVAR, DECA, TEST
Weeks 1-10; 50-100mg/day anavar, 200mg/wk test e, 200mg/wk deca
Weeks 1-8; 500mg/wk masteron, 200mg/wk test, 50mg/day proviron
Weeks 1-12; 500-700mg/wk primobolan, 200mg/wk test
Weeks 1-12; 1000mg/wk primo
Weeks 1-8; 30mg/day anavar, 50mg/day proviron, 100mg/wk test, ECA stack everyday (ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin)
Weeks 1-2; 800mg/wk EQ frontloaded, 200mg/wk test
Weeks 3-12; 400mg/wk eq, 200mg/wk test
WINNY/DECA/TEST (poor mans old school contest cycle)
Weeks 1-4; 200mg/wk test, 300mg/wk deca
Weeks 5-12; 50mg/day winstrol, 200mg/wk test, 300mg/wk deca (drop deca at 10 week mark, 2 weeks out from competition, add in anti-estrogen at 8 weeks into cycle)
Weeks 1-12; 700mg/wk primo, 50-100mg/day anavar, 200mg/wk deca, 200mg/wk test (drop deca 2 weeks out from show, use arimadex or exemastaine-liquid arimadex-throughout, daily).
That is pretty much how I do things folks. I run those compounds exclusively and see no reason to add in all the other quick-bang bullshit. I have gone back to a traditional way of cycling, 2 cycles/year outside of my normal hormone replacement regimen. I donate blood as often as I can to keep hematocrit/RBC in check, occasionally run some HCG to keep my nuts right, and consistently monitor my blood pressure and heart rate. I am usually doing some type of cardio 2-3 times/wk at any given time during the year. Health is #1 here, and I would tell anyone to get bloodwork done to make sure things are on the up and up before embarking on any steroid cycle, and after they’re done.
Know what you’re fucking with before doing any of this. I’m not advocating anyone use steroids here… BUT, if you choose to, what I’ve listed above is a little safer than what most guys are doing nowadays.
Train hard!!
If old school is what we are going for then here is my steroid cycle submission.

dianabol (pink thai or white tab blister packs) or Reforvit liquid dianabol

Deca (norma hella-yeah)

Testosterone enatate (brown schering amps)

winstrol yellow 10mg tabs forget by who

equipoise -tokyo

i have used that stack long time ago when you could buy a full cycle made by real labs either human grade or solid vet grade
I’m old school, through and through!! I care nothing about looking like the next Mr. Olympia, nor am I going to put my body through all of the drugs and bullshit it takes to even try. My ideal look is that of 1970’s Mike Mentzer. Of course anabolics become part of the game, but I believe there is a happy medium with them that can allow for both good looks as well as good health.

Guys now just have it all wrong, 90% of them could achieve what they’re going for with less than half of the doses they’re using. The biggest issue people have is dieting, they have never dieted hard enough to see what they’re using is doing for them. Once diet is keyed in, then you will see the changes.

The next issue is their choice of what to use. Guys seem to think that 500mg/wk of testosterone is a beginner dose, that trend is no good unless they use 300-600mg/wk, and they pop so many orals that they could never shed the layer of fat/water to see the muscles if their life depended on it. They become their own worst enemies, and in their quest for a good physique they essentially destroy it.
I figured it out about 5-6 years ago, and since switching to this way of cycling gear I haven’t looked back. For starters, you only get one set of organs, so taking care of them is top priority. Did you know that a healthy liver burns fat at a much faster rate? Have you ever seen a competitor who looked great for a few years and then all of a sudden looked like shit? This is what I’m talking about, they are punishing their bodies to the point they actually regress, and nobody wants that.
If you’re going to use orals then my advice is to keep it brief and limit using them to once a year. I’m not a fan of dbol or anadrol, they make me feel awful and take away my appetite, and the water retention is terrible. Anavar on the other hand is mild, and can be used for periods of 8-12 weeks with very little effect on the liver.
My compounds of choice are limited to: anavar, test, deca, NPP, EQ, masteron, primobolan, proviron, and winny (ONLY if going into competition).
No trenbolone, halo, test suspension, drols, bols, sustanon (it’s not a steady release and too much water retention) amongst numerous other harsher compounds I cannot think of off the top of my head.
Now, the biggest thing you need to realize when cycling this way is your hard work and diet plays the biggest role. We aren’t looking to throw on 20-30 lbs in 8 weeks here, we are looking for smooth and steady results while not feeling like total shit. This is what you need to understand about using things in this manner. This is more of a recomposition than a sonic boom of garbage weight added on.
I keep my test low, just enough to stay anabolic in nature, not enough to cause excessive water retention, acne, and the ups and downs most go through when running higher doses. 200mg/wk works fine for me. I have not been over 200mg/wk in probably 2 years now, and I see no loss of size or definition.
Now, seeing in how I keep my testosterone doses lower, this means that there are only certain compounds I will run higher respectively. I would never run trenbolone at 500mg/wk and testosterone at 200mg/wk (not that I use it any more anyways). Something like deca or equipoise can be run higher, but not too significantly. I see nothing wrong with 300mg/wk deca alongside 200mg/wk test.
Other compounds such as primobolan or masteron can be taken up to 500mg+/wk with virtually no unwanted sides while keeping test lower. Keeping that test on the low side is key for developing a rock hard physique with nice lines and aesthetics.
Here is my list of old school cycles for badass results:

Weeks 1-10; 50-100mg/day anavar, 200mg/wk test e, 200mg/wk deca
Weeks 1-8; 500mg/wk masteron, 200mg/wk test, 50mg/day proviron
Weeks 1-12; 500-700mg/wk primobolan, 200mg/wk test
Weeks 1-12; 1000mg/wk primo
Weeks 1-8; 30mg/day anavar, 50mg/day proviron, 100mg/wk test, ECA stack everyday (ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin)
Weeks 1-2; 800mg/wk EQ frontloaded, 200mg/wk test
Weeks 3-12; 400mg/wk eq, 200mg/wk test
WINNY/DECA/TEST (poor mans old school contest cycle)
Weeks 1-4; 200mg/wk test, 300mg/wk deca
Weeks 5-12; 50mg/day winstrol, 200mg/wk test, 300mg/wk deca (drop deca at 10 week mark, 2 weeks out from competition, add in anti-estrogen at 8 weeks into cycle)
Weeks 1-12; 700mg/wk primo, 50-100mg/day anavar, 200mg/wk deca, 200mg/wk test (drop deca 2 weeks out from show, use arimadex or exemastaine-liquid arimadex-throughout, daily).
That is pretty much how I do things folks. I run those compounds exclusively and see no reason to add in all the other quick-bang bullshit. I have gone back to a traditional way of cycling, 2 cycles/year outside of my normal hormone replacement regimen. I donate blood as often as I can to keep hematocrit/RBC in check, occasionally run some HCG to keep my nuts right, and consistently monitor my blood pressure and heart rate. I am usually doing some type of cardio 2-3 times/wk at any given time during the year. Health is #1 here, and I would tell anyone to get bloodwork done to make sure things are on the up and up before embarking on any steroid cycle, and after they’re done.
Know what you’re fucking with before doing any of this. I’m not advocating anyone use steroids here… BUT, if you choose to, what I’ve listed above is a little safer than what most guys are doing nowadays.
Train hard!!
Bro in another thread you state that with 300 mg/week with primo is good, but all your cycles examples here have primo at least at 500mg week. For someone who is doing primo for the first time 300mg/ week will do?
Bro in another thread you state that with 300 mg/week with primo is good, but all your cycles examples here have primo at least at 500mg week. For someone who is doing primo for the first time 300mg/ week will do?

Thanks for the question. I found this article. Didn't mean to mislead. I just wanted to provide some information I found about primo.
Everything I have read says dosages need to be fairly high to get the anticatabolic effects on a negative calorie diet.
I stick with test, tren, and deca.
Would love to hear your take on primo. What is your goal in taking it?

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i don't know that i would use less than 500mg of primobolan if i were to use it
Well I don't have a personal opinion since i have not used it, I wanted to try on a different stack besides what I did last time which was Test prop, Tren A, Winny and IGF-1. Since I read here I had to take a break from Tren for the 10 weeks I was on i wanted to try Deca and Dianabol but everything points to water rentention and I'm looking forward to lean gains even though it takes more time. So I am thinking maybe I just wait for the 10 weeks and go for my one and only cycle stack and maybe I can add another compound like primo or masteron. So would you guys say I'd have to run primo for 500mg a week for how long?
If old school is what we are going for then here is my steroid cycle submission.

dianabol (pink thai or white tab blister packs) or Reforvit liquid dianabol

Deca (norma hella-yeah)

Testosterone enatate (brown schering amps)

winstrol yellow 10mg tabs forget by who

equipoise -tokyo

i have used that stack long time ago when you could buy a full cycle made by real labs either human grade or solid vet grade
This sounds like one of my first cycles back in the mid 80's, it is effective....BTW am I the only one here who didnt have a lot of gains with oral WInstrol?? I just never cared a lot for it, it may be just me. Now the V version, the water based injectable was pretty awesome, but it did sting at injection point
This sounds like one of my first cycles back in the mid 80's, it is effective....BTW am I the only one here who didnt have a lot of gains with oral WInstrol?? I just never cared a lot for it, it may be just me. Now the V version, the water based injectable was pretty awesome, but it did sting at injection point

I love oral winstrol tabs with propionate, tren ace and igf. I think adding the winny was the most important factor actually in that whole cycle, as i have run that cycle many times without the winstrol, and know when adding winny, wow what a difference man!
I'm old 51 in the day we just ran test c balls out no ai 10 cc a week + whatever oral was around

I had an old school pro tell Me long acting test(cyp or eth)1cc/day, get a 10 pack=3 month cycle...doesn't matter if You shoot 2 EOD, 3 E3D...entire offseason LOL
I am old school but I use the knowledge that I learned. 15-20 years ago I used what was suggested only. Today on trt, on I start a blast I switch things up as needed. It's a big advantage as compared to cycling having to commit to compounds choosen to make most out of cycle window.
I only recommend what is rule of thumb that those of us with knowledge recommend.
For myself I run things like mast just for anti e affect and dry gains. Taking more letro doesn't do same as using masteron.
I am never that far from being able to cut into single digits. Especially with more androgens and diet.
When I choose my compounds for blast I adjust my diet to get most out of them. I focus on letting gear do all it can.

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