Approved Log 2024 Para Pharma Testosterone Primobolan Equipoise Tbol Contest Prep Log

noah nice man
i want to see you bodybuild you can
That is my goal I'm giving myself 5 years for my plan to try and compete and take this somewhere, it will be hard and a long road, I know I can do this.

First place or last place as long as I make the stage and improve each show and each year, maybe one day I can turn pro.

Only time will tell one thing is forsure I will have fun on the jounery and give my very best day in and day out.
Saturday June 29 2024


Here is my updates for everyone, and my plans moving forward, Sunday is legs abs and cardio, today is my off day on off days I still will be preforming cardio like I did today.

Cardio will be done 4 days a week to start out and see how I fair.

I've been on a mission with challenging myself and mastering the stair stepper, so far I've been excelling at it.

Today I did lvl 7 for 60 minutes and lvl 11 for 5 minutes bringing my total time into 65 minutes.

I hit a new pr on floors climbed and steps
245 floors and a little over 3900 steps.

I also picked up some protein powder so I can get some nutrition and protein in during my work shifts.

Protein powder digestion is easy on my stomach and never bothers me or bloats me.

I am now entering the cut phase of my jounery I will contiune my ppl split and add in more volume along the way.

Current weight 227.4lbs
Goal Weight 195-200lbs
Current calories 2400-2700
One day week of 300g carbs high protein low fat
6 days a week under 200g carbs high protein low-moderate fat.

I also started tanning wanting to see how my physique will look when I'm not pale looking. I only do two 5 minutes sessions a week, don't want to over tan or over do it.

Enjoy the update everyone!

Wixx 💪

Stair Stepper
Duration 65 minutes
Lvl 7-11
Floors Climbed 245
Steps 3927
Calories Burned 557




Saturday June 29 2024


Here is my updates for everyone, and my plans moving forward, Sunday is legs abs and cardio, today is my off day on off days I still will be preforming cardio like I did today.

Cardio will be done 4 days a week to start out and see how I fair.

I've been on a mission with challenging myself and mastering the stair stepper, so far I've been excelling at it.

Today I did lvl 7 for 60 minutes and lvl 11 for 5 minutes bringing my total time into 65 minutes.

I hit a new pr on floors climbed and steps
245 floors and a little over 3900 steps.

I also picked up some protein powder so I can get some nutrition and protein in during my work shifts.

Protein powder digestion is easy on my stomach and never bothers me or bloats me.

I am now entering the cut phase of my jounery I will contiune my ppl split and add in more volume along the way.

Current weight 227.4lbs
Goal Weight 195-200lbs
Current calories 2400-2700
One day week of 300g carbs high protein low fat
6 days a week under 200g carbs high protein low-moderate fat.

I also started tanning wanting to see how my physique will look when I'm not pale looking. I only do two 5 minutes sessions a week, don't want to over tan or over do it.

Enjoy the update everyone!

Wixx 💪

Stair Stepper
Duration 65 minutes
Lvl 7-11
Floors Climbed 245
Steps 3927
Calories Burned 557




how about a chicken breast instead of this protein powder?

DAMN! never seen so much cardio blast