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  1. J

    Number One Steroids to Help Build Your Body

    I tell a lot of people who are looking to transform, 200-300 test, 500-1g eq, and 300-800 primo. Pretty easy on health if you watch blood pressure and eat right, take your fish oils, do your cardio and take something like gw50, TUDCA (also helps cholestrol), regular niacin, etc. you can just...
  2. J

    Does muscle chemistry carry cardanine?

    I view gw50 as more of a health and ancillary thing than for anything else. Great for cardiovascular health and all.
  3. J

    Ephedrine powder?

    What you cooking bro?
  4. J

    Gear is not Magic!!

    Unfortunately every joe blow is on gear now even if they weigh 160 and look terrible. Many times they're on a gram of gear and have been for a very long while. Look on all the forums now. It's all questions about what to take, what dose, what else to take, and more drugs. Why does no one want to...
  5. J

    ALBUTEROL- why you may want it.

    A lot of people hate clen, Feel clen is unsafe etc. Albuterol is a decent alternative that seems to have more benefits in humans along with a greater safety profile. It's been shown to be significantly anabolic, increase work capacity and stimulate lipolysis...
  6. J

    Big Pharma vs the Supplement Industry

    Big pharmacy twist the definition of what's dshea compliant. They recently just set a really dangerous precedent with the dmaa case basically saying that for it to be compliant it has to be literally extracted from the plant and not made in the lab (so who's going to be extracting vitamin c from...
  7. J

    IM fasting

    Yellow snow. I swear you are so familiar. Were you on phf or vicious forum? anyways let me explain intermittent fasting. It's actually quite good. Now, it will suppress cravings and appetite by having steadier blood sugar, and you won't be in any detriment from the fasting as you're eating...
  8. J

    Npp hurt my pride bad last night...

    Sounds like you need to add some masteron man.
  9. J

    Fat loss power of GW501516 aka Cardarine profile Endurobol.
  10. J

    Fat loss power of GW501516 aka Cardarine profile Endurobol.

    I use the stuff year round for cholestrol and blood pressure and endurance. 10mg is enough. example- I did 3.5 hours of cardio strait on the stair master and I'm on 900mg eq, 400 tren e some mast and 1cc test. dead fucking serious. also after 3 weeks methyl tren at 1mg my hdl was 18 but normal...
  11. J

    New to this forum, but not the lifestyle

    Just wanted to say hey here. Been on forums for a while. Been on phf, ASF, a few little private forums, and another little one called viciousforum. Good crews. anyone from ASF or phf here? Oh yeah, mandatory weigh in. This morning after my shit. 199.6 maybe 8% bodyfat. 5 ft 10. now let's...