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    Question for anyone with HMB in your house

    Thanks, glad to be back and see this board is still going strong. Hope to see more familiar people and get to know new ones.
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    Question for anyone with HMB in your house

    Bump, Thanks Presser, good to see you still here. I still have my old MC shirt from the olden days circa 2001 or 2002.
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    Question for anyone with HMB in your house

    Mine smells weird like sheet rock mixed and Horrible BO like an old gym shirt
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    Question for anyone with HMB in your house

    I just got a kilo of HMB in and want someone out there to tell me what yours smells and/or tastes like. I am assuming it's in capsule form if you have it. If so, dump some out and let me know. Since it is an expensive supplement, with results often deemed too mild to warrant the cost, I...
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    Hey Stickler, just got on here for the first time in ages. I hope all is well!

    Hey Stickler, just got on here for the first time in ages. I hope all is well!
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    See Ronnie Colemans Transformation

    Is it just more or did his nose get a whole lot bigger?
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    Anyone know where i can find a cd key for BFV

    thanks chukazulu and all others who pm'ed me. greatly appreciated,,,bigjosh
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    Anyone know where i can find a cd key for BFV

    Hey, Does anyone know a site where I can get a cd-key for BFV? I only need it for singleplayer mode. Do not play multiplayer. Thanks,,,bigjosh
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    Hello Everybody Im new here

    Welcome 2 MC!
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    Injectable L-Carnitine

    so u don't fine that you get pain IM?
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    Injectable L-Carnitine

    I have 100ml of this stuff and all I can say is OUCH!!! I can't inject 1iu in me without HORRIBLE pain. Step aside pgf-2, test suspension, and even pure bottle hurts! I guess that is why it is sitting in my drawer still after a whole year missing less than 10 total iu's...
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    Immense Growth Factor "Lr"

    On my first cycle of this stuff now. To all who try it you will love it!
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    Bigjosh's New Cycle,,,hoping to Build The Perfect Beast, lol

    unsure as to weather i'm bridging or not. Will run arimidex and clomid and igf post cycle. Going to run out of igf before any considerable amount of time post cycle though. My bodyweight now is 230 and I started at 218. I have been up as high as 246 though and right now I look WAY better at...
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    Bigjosh's New Cycle,,,hoping to Build The Perfect Beast, lol

    Just an update: I'm starting my 3rd week or so and have never looked so good especially when bulking. My bf is getting lower and everywhere I've been injecting the igf-1 lr3 is bigger and more defined. I love this stuff. I dropped the prop and upped the suspension. I think I will do all my...
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    I'm BACK....................

    Welcome back bro!, The board hasn't been the same without you. Goodluck with your continuing recovery.,,bigjosh
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    None that I noticed. I sweat like a pig naturally so can't tell you based on sweat, but did not feel hotter than normal. I've never heard anything about thermogenic properties in kyno...
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    Bigjosh's New Cycle,,,hoping to Build The Perfect Beast, lol

    Well I am sure once you reach freak status it will not stay super long term but I can attest to some gains staying by changing one's genetic limit with hgh. This is my first time on igf so I cannot attest to that yet, but after getting to 205 from 165 I would do cycle after cycle jumping to...
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    Bigjosh's New Cycle,,,hoping to Build The Perfect Beast, lol

    Yea, it's a whole new concept to cycling than I'm used to. Sounds promising...we shall see. Hoping to have very little hpta reversal as comparred to my 8-16 week cycles I've done.... Get in, get out,,,before your body lowers its natural test and ups cortisol...
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    I have done a few cycles of kynoselen. Most were 10cc ED for 8 weeks and no that isn't a typo. If you want specifics search for my old posts with kynoselen in them. I think it is good stuff, but don't expect steroidal gains. It is a great OTC supplement to take during off periods while your...
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    Bigjosh's New Cycle,,,hoping to Build The Perfect Beast, lol

    I have cycled for the past six years and after reading alot of Author L. Rea's info I've decided to try some short actings cycles like those in BTPB. Out with the old 8 and 10 weekers and am trying 1 month on 1 month off or so.... Here it goes: Days 1-35: 1mg Arimidex ED 30mcg IGF-1 LR 3...