Bigjosh's New Cycle,,,hoping to Build The Perfect Beast, lol


MC Vet
I have cycled for the past six years and after reading alot of Author L. Rea's info I've decided to try some short actings cycles like those in BTPB.

Out with the old 8 and 10 weekers and am trying 1 month on 1 month off or so....

Here it goes:

Days 1-35:

1mg Arimidex ED
30mcg IGF-1 LR 3 4X's DAILY
100mg Test Suspension ED
100mg Test Prop ED
100mg Trenbolone Acetate ED
50mg Dbol ED

Clomid therapy following...

All injections are site injected. I am on day 5 and horribly sore, but feel jacked!!! I can't wait to see what this new cycle brings. I will keep everyone posted,,,bigjosh
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i have run a few shics (short high intensity cycles) Paul borreson was a big advocate of them..the key is to hit hard and fast and get out before any real bad sides happen plus the shorter on the shorter off...
Yea, it's a whole new concept to cycling than I'm used to. Sounds promising...we shall see. Hoping to have very little hpta reversal as comparred to my 8-16 week cycles I've done....

Get in, get out,,,before your body lowers its natural test and ups cortisol...
bj's new cycle

yeh aalrs concept is cool cept in his book iv not seen a single 4 wk cycle maybe its just me but they seem to be continuos if you read btpb literally any way im interested in seeing in any venue anywhere anytime ever real longterm like retained year would convcince me chemical inaided muscle development remain long after as/aas's are discontinued//so keep us posted
Well I am sure once you reach freak status it will not stay super long term but I can attest to some gains staying by changing one's genetic limit with hgh. This is my first time on igf so I cannot attest to that yet, but after getting to 205 from 165 I would do cycle after cycle jumping to 220-225ish and then within 6-8months would be back down to 208 or so. After doing many cycles with the same results I did my next cycle with gh and insulin in the mix and pgf2 and after comming off I was up to 243 and kept it doing zero AAS for 14 months. 14 months later I started my next cycle and was 246. So I believe one CAN change ones genetic limit. I can tell you now that if I never touched weights or juice ever again I believe that I will always be over 210-220 which wasn't even attainable for me while "on cycle" in the past. I cannot attest to being off for years, but I kept everything for 14 months being totally clean.

From the looks of the cycling methods in BTPB I believe this cycling method is superior (in theory) because you do not waste time gaining fighting cortisol as you do on the 8 and ten weekers. Cortisol ups around 20-30 days into a cycle even with long acting shit and you are fighting that to gain whereas these short busts skip that altogether (in theory)... we shall see...

But I can attest to the fact that growth factors (hgh and hopefully igf1 as i will see) change ones genetic limit solidifying gains and tricking your body to thinking the new weight is homeostasis.
yes the Borrensen cycles have been very controversial. Had a big thing on another board involving almost every MOD, vet, trainer, etc. It was an interesting thread but when all is said and done, everyone still have valid arguments for them and against them.

I was one of the ones against the Borrensend cycles as he is not longer with us b/c of an overdose on pain medications. These medications are commonly taken to ease the pain from ligaments and joints nearly ripping themselves from their sockets b/c you grow too fast and you gain strength too fast. Simply put is your muscles grow 10 times faster than the ligaments and joints supporting them because as cell volumization happens which enduces muscle growth, the tendons don't have as much vessels in them to support this rapid cell volumization and growth.

Now HGH actually extends your genetic potential by creating "NEW" muscle cellls and AAS actually increases the actually size of the muscle cells. Thus when used in conjunction, they create permanent gains through a synergistic effect. This is a basic explanantion at best and I can get into greater depth if asked, but was trying to relay at in a way that the newbie could read and enjoy as well as the novice.

Stay true to the Iron

Anyway I can be of assistance to you, please dont' hesitate to ask, as I am here to serve you. I appreciate you posting and calling MuscleChemistry your bodybuilding home. Thanks...
Just an update:

I'm starting my 3rd week or so and have never looked so good especially when bulking. My bf is getting lower and everywhere I've been injecting the igf-1 lr3 is bigger and more defined. I love this stuff. I dropped the prop and upped the suspension. I think I will do all my cycles like this from now on. Short acting seems to be working great. Can't wait to see what I keep. My weight has only gone up about 10 pounds, but I imagine it is more and I've lost bf. I am getting compliments from everyone I know. I can physically see the spots i've injected in my calves have grown. Also my traps and lats have grown a reat deal and I have only injected them one time. I imagine they respond better than anything else to growth factors because they grew wild on gh and now are doing so on igf. I can't wait to see what my next week or two brings b4 i come off. bigjosh
What is your bodyweight now? It sounds great so far... I have not ventured into IGF as of yet but will later this off season. I've used GH and really liked the results from it and you are very correct- you body can change from using GH. Keep us posted.
unsure as to weather i'm bridging or not. Will run arimidex and clomid and igf post cycle. Going to run out of igf before any considerable amount of time post cycle though. My bodyweight now is 230 and I started at 218. I have been up as high as 246 though and right now I look WAY better at 230. I can't get over how lean I am and looking so much bigger. I felt like i huge at 246, but am getting so many compliments now at 230. Everyone is saying dude you blew up!

Briding isn't that big of a deal i believe with this type of cycling though because I'll be off for 1 month then right back on! No more 2-3 months off now. It's gonna be sweet...