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  1. P

    drol dosages and cycle critiq.

    thanks for the input bro, thats probally what ill do
  2. P

    drol dosages and cycle critiq.

    I used some IP drols a while back with some bad results. I got flu symptoms for about 6 days and didnt gain anything. So i'm questionable wether they were real at all. What do you think maybee 25 mgs a day? that seems a little low to me..
  3. P

    OMG I cannot use fina!

    I'm in the same boat.................................
  4. P

    drol dosages and cycle critiq.

    what do most you guys run your drol at? I was going to run drol 50mg ED weeks 1-5 test E 800 mgs week 1-10 EQ 800 per week 1-10 nolva, ldex post cycle with a dbol bridge following post cycle treatment. Ive done a few cycles never going over 650 mgs of test, I'm down to 170 lbs now and ready...
  5. P

    Dostinex and fina gyno....???

    I think I'm just not ment for fina :(
  6. P

    Dostinex and fina gyno....???

    Yes Got gyno every time, I also used nolva and ldex evey time in addition to some of the previous. As long As I stopped fina after the first signs, the gyno would subside. but one time I tried increaseing the dosage of bromo and keeping the same dosage of fina I developed a small permenant...
  7. P

    Dostinex and fina gyno....???

    I have tried several methods including dostinex,bromo, high doses of b6, and T3 and some "cocktails". nothing works for me. And if anyone wants to give dostinex try I still have plenty left over and willl be willing to part with it pretty cheap.
  8. P

    gyno help asap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you drop the fina imediatley and use nolva (in case estrogen is contributing) it should subside. My first time I stopped as soon as the lump started and it went away in about 2 weeks.I got a small one from my second time around with fina, but after first signs of gyno I continued for 10 more...
  9. P

    winny/suspension, any thoughts?

    with eql's stuff I used as small as 27 gauge and didnt have any problems. I do get pretty bad pain 2 solid days worth.
  10. P

    About my Faggot ass Dr.

    I get it when I dont get enough fiber and have too much protien.. I use a little metamucil of and on............. works fine
  11. P

    winny/suspension, any thoughts?

    susp. has a halflife of about 24 hours, so inject the same time everyday and you'll be OK. If your talking about EQL combo, its petty good the only complaint is I like susp. at 100mg ED and winny at about 25 or lower. Winny gives me joint pain something awfull at higher doses. But I knew that...
  12. P

    how to lessen injection pain

    I dont find b12 to help much with pain, Oil does wonders. I think its bacause the b12 disipates quicker than oil so fails to effectively dilute it...................................Or, I could just be talking out my ass....................... :moon:
  13. P

    Fina SUCKS for the GYNO!!!!

    The nolva probally didnt do it, Fina has a short half life and would be completely out of your system in about 5 days. The levels of prog. would disipate also.. My first time I used nothing to combat prog. and the lump and sides disapeared in a week. JMO
  14. P

    Fina SUCKS for the GYNO!!!!

    I tried nolva out of desperation :)
  15. P

    Fina SUCKS for the GYNO!!!!

    Re: fina rocks!!! Ive tried all the things you listed and some..........didnt work for me. Ive tried: Dostinex,bromo,ldex,nolva,Vit. b6, and t3. Some people are just not ment for fina. TO ALL that have had problems: Did you have any problems with deca?
  16. P

    Why it's good to be a man:

    I'm rather pleased with Peeing standing up. :)
  17. P

    Whats Ur Prison Name??

    Golden Shower Whore!!!!!!!!!!! SWEET JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  18. P

    Fina SUCKS for the GYNO!!!!

    I usually go for 2 weeks before seeing signs, doesn't manner what dosage. Ive gone as low as 25 mg ed and gotten a lump. The first time, as soon as I noticed signs I stopped and the lump subsided. The second time, When I got the first signs I doubled the bromo dosage's. After a week it didnt...
  19. P

    Fina SUCKS for the GYNO!!!!

    I've used fina on several occasions, every time resulted with prog. gyno. Ive used bromo and dostinex by themselves and in conjunction with high doses vit. b6 and moderated doses of T3. ALL resulted with gyno with in three to four weeks. Ive decided I'm not a fina man, but I may try again being...