Dostinex and fina gyno....???


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fina gyno....???

a lot of people complained about fina gyno,i just wondering why didn't they take dostinex?????why???......
Here's some info.

Dostinex to Treat Hyperprolactinemia Receives FDA Clearance

KALAMAZOO, Mich., Dec. 26, 1996 -- Pharmacia & Upjohn announced today that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has granted marketing clearance for the prescription sale of Dostinex Tablets (cabergoline tablets) for treatment of hyperprolactinemic disorders, either idiopathic or due to pituitary adenomas (tumors). Dostinex will be available in March 1997.

Dostinex is a major advance for patients with this disorder, said William E. Walker, director of women's health marketing for P&U's North American Market Region. It is effective, generally well-tolerated, and with twice-a-week dosing, convenient to take. We are pleased to offer this new treatment option to physicians and patients."

Hyperprolactinemia is usually caused by a benign tumor on the pituitary gland that results in excess production of prolactin, the hormone that controls lactation. Doctors treat from 70,000 to 100,000 patients with the condition each year, the vast majority of whom are women. It most commonly affects women ages 20-50 and can cause cessation of menstruation, excessive breast milk discharge and infertility. In men the condition can cause decreased libido and impotence.

Dostinex joins bromocriptine as the only other drug product indicated to treat hyperprolactinemia, however, Dostinex is more convenient for patients (two doses per week for Dostinex versus one to three doses each day for bromocriptine).

"Dostinex is an effective and generally well-tolerated treatment for patients with hyperprolactinemia," said Anne Klibanski, M.D., chief of the neuroendocrine unit, Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. "Patient compliance is high, due to the side effect profile and convenient twice-a-week dosing. Given the efficacy and safety profile demonstrated in clinical trials, I believe Dostinex will become a valuable treatment choice."

In a clinical trial involving approximately 450 patients, Dostinex was compared with bromocriptine in treating hyperprolactinemia. In the eight- week, double-blind trial, prolactin levels returned to normal in 77% of patients treated with Dostinex (0.5 mg twice-weekly) compared to 59% of those treated with bromocriptine (2.5 mg twice-daily). Restoration of menses occurred in 77% of women treated with Dostinex, compared to 70% of those treated with bromocriptine.

Among patients with galactorrhea (excessive breast milk discharge), the symptom disappeared in 73% of those treated with Dostinex, compared to 56% of those treated with bromocriptine.

Clinical studies also showed the safety profile of Dostinex compares favorably to bromocriptine. Two percent of 221 patients taking Dostinex discontinued treatment due to side effects during the eight-week study, versus six percent of 231 patients taking bromocriptine.

Nausea is the most common side effect of both drugs. During the eight- week, double-blinded portion of the trial, 29% of patients experienced nausea with Dostinex compared with 43% of those taking bromocriptine.

Dostinex is contraindicated in patients with uncontrolled hypertension or known hypersensitivity to ergot derivatives.

Pharmacia & Upjohn, Inc. (NYSE: PNU), is a research-based pharmaceutically focused company dedicated to helping people around the world live longer and fuller lives. The company was formed through a merger of Pharmacia AB and The Upjohn Company and began operating in November 1995. Pharmacia & Upjohn, Inc. is a provider of human health care and related products and operates on a global basis. The company has a corporate management center in London and major research and manufacturing centers in the United States, Sweden and Italy.
Clinical Pharmacology

Mechanism of Action

The secretion of prolactin by the anterior pituitary is mainly under hypothalmic inhibitory control, likely exerted through release of dopamine by tuberoinfundibular neurons. Cabergoline is a long-acting dopamine receptor agonist with a high affinity for D2 receptors. Results of in vitro studies demonstrate that cabergoline exerts a direct inhibitory effect on the secretion of prolactin by rat pituitary lactotrophs. Cabergoline decreased serum prolactin levels in reserpinized rats. Receptor-binding studies indicate that cabergoline has low affinity for dopamine D1,a1,- and a2- adrenergic, and 5-HT1- and 5-HT2-serotonin receptors.

Clinical Studies

The prolactin-lowering efficacy of DOSTINEX was demonstrated in hyperprolactinemic women in two randomized, double-blind, comparative studies, one with placebo and the other with bromocriptine. In the placebo-controlled study (placebo n=20; cabergoline n=168), DOSTINEX produced a dose-related decrease in serum prolactin levels with prolactin normalized after 4 weeks of treatment in 29%, 76%, 74% and 95% of the patients receiving 0.125, 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0 mg twice weekly respectively.

In the 8-week, double-blind period of the comparative trial with bromocriptine (cabergoline n=223; bromocriptine n=236 in the intent-to-treat analysis), prolactin was normalized in 77% of the patients treated with DOSTINEX at 0.5 mg twice weekly compared with 59% of those treated with bromocriptine at 2.5 mg twice daily. Restoration of menses occurred in 77% of the women treated with DOSTINEX, compared with 70% of those treated with bromocriptine. Among patients with galactorrhea, this symptom disappeared in 73% of those treated with DOSTINEX compared with 56% of those treated with bromocriptine.


Absorption: Following single oral doses of 0.5 mg to 1.5 mg given to 12 healthy adult volunteers, mean peak plasma levels of 30 to 70 picograms (pg)/mL of cabergoline were observed within 2 to 3 hours. Over the 0.5- to- 7 mg dose range, cabergoline plasma levels appeared to be dose-proportional in 12 healthy adult volunteers and nine adult parkinsonian patients. A repeatdose study in 12 healthy volunteers suggests that steady-state levels following a once-weekly dosing schedule are expected to be twofold to threefold higher than after a single dose. The absolute bioavailability of cabergoline is unknown. A significant fraction of the administered dose undergoes a first-pass effect. The elimination half-life of cabergoline estimated from urinary data of 12 healthy subjects ranged between 63 to 69 hours. The prolonged prolactin-lowering effect of cabergoline may be related to its slow elimination and long half-life.

Distribution: In animals, based on total radioactivity, cabergoline (and/or its metabolites) has shown extensive tissue distribution. Radioactivity in the pituitary exceeded that in plasma by >100-fold and was eliminated with a half-life of approximately 60 hours. This finding is consistent with the long-lasting prolactin-lowering effect of the drug. Whole body autoradiography studies in pregnant rats showed no fetal uptake but high levels in the uterine wall. Significant radioactivity (parent plus metabolites) detected in the milk of lactating rats suggests a potential for exposure to nursing infants. The drug is extensively distributed throughout the body. Cabergoline is moderately bound (40% to 42%) to human plasma proteins in a concentration-independent manner. Concomitant dosing of highly protein-bound drugs is unlikely to affect its disposition.

Metabolism: In both animals and humans, cabergoline is extensively metabolized, predominately via hydrolysis of the acylurea bond or the urea moiety. Cytochrome P-450 mediated metabolism appears to be minimal. Cabergoline does not cause enzyme induction and/or inhibition in the rat. Hydrolysis of the acylurea or urea moiety abolishes the prolactin-lowering effect of cabergoline, and major metabolites identified thus far do not contribute to the therapeutic effect.

Excretion: After oral dosing of radioactive cabergoline to five healthy volunteers, approximately 22% and 60% of the dose was excreted within 20 days in the urine and feces, respectively. Less than 4% of the dose was excreted unchanged in the urine. Nonrenal and renal clearances for cabergoline are about 3.2 L/min and 0.08 L/min, respectively. Urinary excretion in hyperprolactinemic patients was similar.

Special Populations

Renal Insufficiency: The pharmacokinetics of cabergoline were not altered in 12 patients with moderate-to-severe renal insufficiency as assessed by creatinine clearance.

Hepatic Insufficiency: In 12 patients with mild-to-moderate hepatic dysfunction (Child-Pugh score £10), no effect on mean cabergoline Cmax or area under the plasma concentration curve (AUC) was observed. However, patients with severe insufficiency (Child-Pugh score >10) show a substantial increase in the mean cabergoline Cmax and AUC, and thus necessitate caution.

Elderly: Effect of age on the pharmacokinetics of cabergoline has not been studied.

Food-Drug Interaction

In 12 healthy adult volunteers, food did not alter cabergoline kinetics.


Dose response with inhibition of plasma prolactin, onset of maximal effect, and duration of effect has been documented following single cabergoline doses to healthy volunteers (0.05 to 1.5 mg) and hyperprolactinemic patients (0.3 to 1 mg). In volunteers, prolactin inhibition was evident at doses >0.2 mg, while doses ³0.5 mg caused maximal suppression in most subjects. Higher doses produce prolactin suppression in a greater proportion of subjects and with an earlier onset and longer duration of action. In 12 healthy volunteers, 0.5, 1, and 1.5 mg doses resulted in complete prolactin inhibition, with a maximum effect within 3 hours in 92% to 100% of subjects after the 1 and 1.5 mg doses compared with 50% of subjects after the 0.5 mg dose.

In hyperprolactinemic patients (N=51), the maximal prolactin decrease after a 0.6 mg single dose of cabergoline was comparable to 2.5 mg bromocriptine; however, the duration of effect was markedly longer (14 days vs 24 hours). The time to maximal effect was shorter for bromocriptine than cabergoline (6 hours vs 48 hours).

In 72 healthy volunteers, single or multiple doses (up to 2 mg) of cabergoline resulted in selective inhibition of prolactin with no apparent effect on other anterior pituitary hormones (GH, FSH, LH, ACTH, and TSH) or cortisol.
I have tried several methods including dostinex,bromo, high doses of b6, and T3 and some "cocktails". nothing works for me.

And if anyone wants to give dostinex try I still have plenty left over and willl be willing to part with it pretty cheap.
peterhead said:
I have tried several methods including dostinex,bromo, high doses of b6, and T3 and some "cocktails". nothing works for me.

And if anyone wants to give dostinex try I still have plenty left over and willl be willing to part with it pretty cheap.

what....what's the deal??so..did you get gyno or not??as you mentioned above,i don't see any anti-estrogen..??
Yes Got gyno every time, I also used nolva and ldex evey time in addition to some of the previous. As long As I stopped fina after the first signs, the gyno would subside. but one time I tried increaseing the dosage of bromo and keeping the same dosage of fina I developed a small permenant lump under my left nipple.