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  1. C

    My girl was with another girl last night!!

    I would be rocking their world non stop for 24 hrs
  2. C

    as for sexual arousal

    dbol, take 25mg a day and you'll be fine. but it will take 2 to 3 weeks before you see results, so start now and bring me some goodies back since its legal there :)
  3. C


    great service
  4. C

    making it yourself

    just reading the stuff gets me excited
  5. C

    purple pills revisited

    there is only one way to see if they are good or no. send them to me I'll do a cycle and give you the reports. :)
  6. C


    good work
  7. C

    Big guns

    bro every time I see a new post of your pics. you have grown more!!!! I gotta get on your recepie
  8. C


    was that Arnold? no yates, no... lol
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    Chemical Evolution Basic Shape!

    cant see much definition. too much blur in your pic.
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    oh ya yo are really fat like a good year blimp. lol looking good
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    Sasha's updated pics

    I should take sasha out to dinner to congratulate her. :)
  12. C

    sweating alot

    may be due to your lack of cardio activity. however it is good that you perspire it cleanse your system and when you start doing more cardio you'll sweat less. best idea is listen to G101 stay under AC. :lol:
  13. C

    Hey guys!

    there are different forms of yuga. try the advanced, that'll be a challenge for you and will keep you interested if you have patience and are limber. lol.
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    New to the board

    welcome happy growing :)
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    What would you do.....?

    think like this two bald heads = one very very happy girl friend :)
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    TT T2

    hey is this you super chix?
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    gear brands

    T200 on enanthete. having great results :)
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    100mg/cc Parabolon

    it may be legit but its best to have test results or ask your source who has used it. After all you have to play it safe and avoid health risks do to bad stuff :???: