sweating alot

jshoty said:
One of my good friends has that sweating even while doing nothing problem. I always made fun of his ass because of it. I don't think there is really anything you can do about it just stay hydrated and deal with being wet and stickey all the time.

I heard there is such a disease that has to do with are glands which makes hwoever sweat for no reason at all. Has anyone ever heard of such a condition?
I just have my ex her new boyfriend has that, poor bastard..lol his feet sweat a lot she said it is the glands and nerves and most is not correctable by surgery but you can get a pill for it.
Klark said:
there's at least one person who just totally reaks, its like they haven't showered in weeks!

Screw you Klark - sometimes I dont have time to smell pretty for you! Although I will wash up for later hon. *Kisses*

Did that sound effeminate?
may be due to your lack of cardio activity. however it is good that you perspire it cleanse your system and when you start doing more cardio you'll sweat less. best idea is listen to G101 stay under AC. :lol:
catman said:
may be due to your lack of cardio activity. however it is good that you perspire it cleanse your system and when you start doing more cardio you'll sweat less. best idea is listen to G101 stay under AC. :lol:

I don't think sweating a lot is all that good. If it really excessive , as for lots of us who posted in this thread it will be, it can cause dehydration and rapid excretion of electrolytes.
get some pedialyte.. tastes like shit but well worth, stay away from the sugar.........
fella, its the elevation of body temp. I sometimes I sweat when I eat a meal, as above A.C. stay by a fan in the gym, or under the A.C. then hit the sauna and drop the water, it helps, just remember to always hydrate......
im aware of the dehydration part of sweating. i drink so much water though im not dehydrated. i have heard of pedialyte. i need to cut back on my sugar intake
with all we do to inhance or bodys, the sweating is a good thing, keeps the blood flowing and the toxins excreating out.
you can get pedialyte at any store its for infants andd children I use it when i feel dehydrated I buy two of them and drink them through out the day with water your fluid levels should get back to normal very quickly. It does not tase so great plain so use water too and avoid sugarcaffiene and dark alcohol it only dehrdrates you more. you dont need a prescrip either any supermarket carries it!
Hamster at a gay pride rally!!! OMFG that shit has me bustin out laughing!!!!!!

Oh god, that was good!
fellas, there is a new type of water hittting the market, I have been useing for 3 weeks and can feel the difference, its called (penta) its purified and has reverse osmosis/deionization with usp grade medical oxygen added, a DR. created it, has some sort of macrofiltration, for better absorbtion, drinking one16.9 0z bottle is suppossed to be like drinking a gallon of regular water. the trick is to drink at room temp, and surpriseingly at that temp it is very refreshing, you can find it now at most health food stores and body building supplement stores. V
Man it's a f*cking hot and daft day here today. I'm sweating my ass of and it's just killing me. I feel like shit. Isn't there anyhing we can take that cools down body temp... kinda as opposed to ECA which raises it?

I'm just gonna drive around a bit in my car for now so I can enjoy the AC.
cooling down technic, after and brutal work out,, hit the sauna, heat up more then hit a cold shower, start with warm water and gradually taper it to cold. V