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  1. Ecfatcat

    Sound off if you have used buyb12 or lion Nutrition

    Big bump this company is on it ......
  2. Ecfatcat

    B-12 inject

    I just met a Doctor hwho claimes @ 2000-3000mcg a day it stops testicle atrophy.....I haven't tried it but will see what it does at that level for me..............
  3. Ecfatcat

    b12 ?

    okay here we go grade is usp 24... usp 24 can have by law a level of 6%impuritys .... bad sit to inject into your body .....If you hang around long enough on the board you will here of guy who got infections and absess's cane filter it but you can't bake it will destoy...
  4. Ecfatcat

    Sound off if you have used buyb12 or lion Nutrition

    big bump lets here it ....great product I can't wait for there new releases........
  5. Ecfatcat

    Amp size

    welcome bro ....never had the thai's ....they may have been packed it pepper to come threw customs
  6. Ecfatcat

    Cutting gear with B12

    1ml of b12 a day is what I take @1000mcg it does wonders for me ... I made a batch of prop @125 mg /ml . it caused me to have problems a few times the hormone was crystalizing after the depo was absorbed......I thought I had an infection twice with the same batch ...I baked it and re filtered it...
  7. Ecfatcat

    looking for info on bromo

    Hi I'm looking for info on bromo a drug profile would be good
  8. Ecfatcat

    I need help

    right on wait till you hit the wall......
  9. Ecfatcat

    Help, Dark Fina...WTF

    to much heat it's fine
  10. Ecfatcat

    Fina Pellets Delivery

    sign the note but don't open the box .write return to sender on it and wait a few days .....clean out your house now...!
  11. Ecfatcat

    drug test

    not unless there seems to be a reason for testing you for then ...It won['t be on the one to get you hired
  12. Ecfatcat

    Prohormons and liver values

    sounds like he need more vitamin C and to do a flush with vitamin C asorbate
  13. Ecfatcat

    Planning my cutter

    sound like your going to have a blast
  14. Ecfatcat

    More info on b12

    bump great guys...good service
  15. Ecfatcat

    Vitamin B12 - cyanocobamin

    It going to everwhere
  16. Ecfatcat

    I must say I like this tren + prop!!!

    start the winny sooner you will flip how fast it will work with tren and prop......I love it
  17. Ecfatcat

    Bodyfat % ??

    marathon runners are the lowest .........but 10% is not bad