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  1. V

    Gamers..X-Box 2 in the makings

    Loading is much faster than PS2, and the DVD portion plays great.
  2. V

    Gamers..X-Box 2 in the makings

    yea thats been around for a while. And it won't be out for a long time. Bro get the x-box it's only $179.99 with 2 games, it's worth it trust me.
  3. V

    Video gamers..X-box or Playstation?

    Im getting x-box live no doubt prolly in between now and when halo 2 comes out. That shit is gonna be off the hook, anybody else who has live we should hook up.
  4. V

    Video gamers..X-box or Playstation?

    I love my X-Box, I got it the first day it came out. And I'm sure all you X-Box people are waiting for Halo 2 to come out, which should be March or April. Get X-Box bro it's awsome, and get Halo 1 & 2. Madden plays sweet too.
  5. V

    Is the AC fight still on?

    damn you guys watch the news lol
  6. V

    Is the AC fight still on?

    A part of a parking garaged collapsed at the Tropicana while it was still under constructiuon and killed 5 people. There are a lot of closed areas so I wasn't sure exactly where this fight is, and if it's still on, they're telling people to avoid AC if possible with this tradegy and traffic...
  7. V

    Is the AC fight still on?

    Because of what happened yesterday is the fight still on schedule? AC is a big mess right now.
  8. V

    How long will it take you to get to Atlantic City NJ

    it would take me 45 minutes to get there.
  9. V

    the be4 cycle pics

    Well thank you LUV, you've seen me somewhere else you mean on another board??? I thought you meant in person or something. I've seen your pics, you look incredible as well, good job! ;)
  10. V

    the be4 cycle pics

    i wish, so i can put more food in there :) Update on cycle - up 7 lbs for the first 2 weeks to 182, so far so good.
  11. V

    The weather is already changing..

    jerzey, high of 52 low of 39. I want the snow too!!! bring some down here baby!
  12. V

    i would love to personaly kick the shit out of..

    yea I heard about that too. She and her husband loading their car in front of Home Depot at 9:15 last nite and she got shot right in the head. Unfuckingbelievable!!! :mad:
  13. V

    Who has kids?

    one thirteen month old daughter, my life!
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    OH I can't stop looking at my tren!

    lol, how long is your fina good for after it is made and stored? does it go bad by a certain time?
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    fina ban

    something strange just happened, I tried to get into the QV site and it said, out of service :( is this just me???
  16. V

    winter is coming

    freakin 89 degrees out today, WTF! It fall now, temp should be in the 60's. Thats jerzey for ya.
  17. V

    all these bitches CAN SICK MY phat KNOB!!!!

    you 2 get a room! :) by the way thanx for your compliments on my pics baby
  18. V

    the be4 cycle pics

    couple more just taken previously, looks like shit but just to show the muscle definition in my triceps and back.
  19. V

    new member

    damn dude, w/ that cycle you'll gain like 40 lbs, good luck bro! I feel bad for your liver tho. What antie's are you taking?