Search results

  1. H

    Best Rapper Of All Times ?

    This is a hopeless pole. Seriously, some main stream types are mentioned here, but as far as Lyrical geniuses or even those who inovated don;t seem to get a mention. Eazy E should be on that list, somewhere near the top too! How can people mention Ice T but not Ice Cube either?? Ice T was...
  2. H

    What grade "Immense Growth"?

    I realise that in lrge doses IGF could cause Hypo but there have been reports that some users on low doses have been seeing these symptoms. Igf raises Insulin sensitivity and vice versa so I guess ading slin is a great way to "beef up" the product very cheaply. I just want to ensure I am buying...
  3. H

    What grade "Immense Growth"?

    Presser? Just wondering if the Immense growth factor you guys are selling is pure IGF - 1. I am kinda concerned as i have heard a few people mention the IGF they got gave them signs of Hypoglycemia ( which suggests some insulin in there). I have no idea where these people got their stuff...
  4. H

    Animals board?

    Can someone give me the web add. of animals board. I can't locate the board through a search, I have forgotten the address. If someone can Pm it to me that would be cool.
  5. H

    IGF-1 user info--please respond

    bump, I would love to hear other peoples experiences. Great post BTW, you covered everything!
  6. H

    New Drug relased for DHT blocking

    Okay Dut at .5 mg is far more effective than Finasteride at even 5 mg a day. In fact preliminary trials suggest .1 mg of Dut daily is equal to about 5 mg of finasteride ( this is of course 5 times over the propecia dose ). The biggest flaw with Propecia is that infinate doses have no effect...
  7. H

    New Drug relased for DHT blocking

    Read this. I have been researching this drug many months before it was approved. Go to this site these guys have been on the stuff since it's release and on this site you can find everything you want...
  8. H

    IQ Test

    I got 140 I think this test was far to basic for an IQ test. Also sayings like "even the most .............rose has thorns" are not suitable for these tests as they are culturally biased. I think I mucked up ANLDGEN, what was this, I put Animal. lol
  9. H

    new lovely before and afters....hopefully it will work

    Re man, there is no way you are at 8% in those pics. You have no abdominal developement apparent, and lack tone in other areas. I am not trying to flame you as you have obviously made good progress, but I think you would be around 12 + %Bf in those pics
  10. H

    Any Bro's with Hairloss issues.

    I haven't been here for a while, however I recieved an E-mail from a guy at this site regarding Hairloss. He was wondering if their are any advances, and I am happy to say their are. Any one with hairloss problems will probably recognise Finasteride. this stuff inhibits type 1 , 5 alpha...
  11. H

    Liquidex vs armidex?

    Just wondering, are these identical apart from Liquidex being in liquid form. If so, is 1 mg of Liquidex equal to 1 mg of armidex. thanx for any help.
  12. H

    What kind of degrees you peeps have?

    you guys have inspired me to enroll in Uni next year. economics/commerce is only 3 years so i'll give that a shot.
  13. H

    !!!BIG GUNS!!!

    The one on Soy was espiecally good Big Guns. Articles like this are hard to find, good work.
  14. H

    how do i view private messages ?

    anyone ?
  15. H


    hope to see some good articles in the future Big Guns, congratulations.
  16. H

    Midwt. in the house!!!

    welcome dude
  17. H

    Proposed FB posedown rules....

    Therec are a lot of big guys here, so 175 - 200 is to narrow, as well as 200 + being to broad. How about - 180 180 - 220 220 + as for the cycles seperation, that would double the divisions. It would be a lot easier to just stick to the 3 mentioned, no need to make it more complicated. Also the...
  18. H

    My penis

    i thought this was actually pretty funny :D, mindless but funny
  19. H

    how many guys at your gym juice?

    50% of thev guys at my gym juice I guarantee. :D cause only 2 guys use it, its in my friends garage he juices I dont. :D