how many guys at your gym juice?

Well I AM a PERFECT example of a moron who instead of eating right decided to shoot the wonder drug into my ass (Prop and EQ). I ran that for 10 weeks with T3 and to be honest not much changed.

NOW I've been eating like a champ and training every week day morning and I have seen more results in 5 weeks that I did in the 10.

THE strangest thing happened last week though.....I coach Popwarner football in my hometown (the oldest kids) and I had one of my players look at me say "Coach, where do you get your steroids from?" Needless to say I almost shit (liked the compliment though but freaked cause all I need is this kid saying something to his parents!)

still trying to figure out what freakin point I am trying to make here LOL

50% of thev guys at my gym juice I guarantee.
:D cause only 2 guys use it, its in my friends garage he juices I dont. :D
My gym is fairly small and hardcore. Not sure exactly how many juice, I'd say about a third of the members. There's a fair bit of talk about cycles etc.
Forget about how many gym members my Gym OWNER does. Saw a picture of him 4 years ago SKinny man for hios size now.
We have one gym here, i'm sure everyone juices... very very hard core. Great place to work out though.
I'd be surprised if anyone is at the gym I'm currently at. But, I have a free membership with great equipment that few seem to use so they're always open.
Umm I retract my previous on juices that is illegal...even the 225lb freak at 3% he is all natural!!! lol
WEll I am still in college, looks like only a few bro's juice at the gym there...but when I go to Golds, it looks like a lot of dudes juice there...I would say at least 20-30.

there's a guy in my gym that i not know if it's nautal gyno.. but i don't think it is.. walks around acting big and the guy has some pipes but not big enough to walk it.. the gyno looks like it came from over use of bol